Clowning Book of the Month – June 2020

Clowning Book of the Month

Clowning Book of the Month – June 2020 – videos, t-shirt, and more … oh my!

Clowning Book of the Month – June 2020 answers the question: Who’s reading what? Continuing the monthly saga of who’s purchasing what from Amazon via our humble site. As you’ve probably discovered by now, we’ve posted quite a few book and movie reviews of clown-related things on the site, most of which are available at If you’re curious, here is the bestseller list from the web site for last month. Books, Videos, and the “how did that show up?”



  • Red Skelton: Christmas
    • A personal favorite of Red’s various Christmas specials. Freddie the Freeloader in The Plight Before Christmas, with Greer Garson, The Pledge of Allegiance, The Thanksgiving Turkey, Frozen Freddie, Freddie and the Carolers, Red Talks About Santa and Stair Climbing, Freddie Gets 90 Days (O. Henry’s story about the tramp trying to get arrested so he’ll have a warm place to spend the winter).
  • Papa’s Delicate Condition
    • Jackie Gleason film, about a dreamer who drinks too much.

How did that show up?

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson