Song lyrics to Hey, Punchinello – by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans, performed by Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis in 3 Ring Circus

Dean Martin There’s a famous man who’s the idol of every clown
He started the profession and his tricks he handed down
So everyone who has a yen to be a happy man
Calls on Punchinello to help him if he can
Punchinello, hey Punchinello
La la la la la la you wonderful fellow
The fun you brought us
Jerry Lewis: The things you taught us
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis: Make a sad and weary world wonderfully mellow
Now when we’re having trouble, the half a mountain high
A circus clown can knock ’em down and never bat an eye
Punchinello, hey Punchinello
Dean Martin: Oh the face of every clown’s a work of art
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis: Punchinello molto bello you ring a bell a bell a bell here in my heart

Jerry Lewis: Punchinello, hey Punchinello
All my life I yearned to be your kind of fellow
If I could only make a lonely
Turn a gal’s little laugh into a bellow
Dean Martin:To carry off the children to some enchanted lands
To see their eyes and bright surprise is all that he demands
Jerry Lewis:Hey Punchinello
Dean Martin:Hey Punchinello
Jerry Lewis: Let me change my face and tumble up and down
Dean Martin: Hey Punchinello molto bello
Jerry Lewis: Do you suppose I have a chance at being a clown
Fat lady (High voice): Many hear the call in the city of Napoli
Contortionist (Deep voice): The babe with Punchinello was the man they came to see
Strong Man: The clown would captivate the peasants or the noble prince
Dean Martin: And in every circus they’ve done it ever since
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis:Punchinello, hey Punchinello
(All) La la la la la you wonderful fellow
The fun you brought us the things you taught us
Make a sad a weary world wonderfully mellow
Dean Martin: The clown in the circus will get a special pride
When people laugh the kind of laugh that warms them up inside
All: Punchinello, hey Punchinello
Oh the face of every clown’s a work of art
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis: Punchinello molto bello
You ring a bell a bell a bell a bell a bell a bell a bell a bell a bell a bell a bell a bell here in my heart
All: Hey, Punchinello!