Month: November 2017

Counting the Cards
Counting the Cards – a clown skit for 2 or more speaking clowns Counting the Cards is a skit for two (or more) speaking clowns, […]

Meet the Chez Family
Meet the Chez family – a clown ministry about kindness (props required: a black envelope, easily made out of construction paper, and a large letter […]

Duct Tape Sanctification
Duct Tape Sanctification is a gospel ministry skit for 2 speaking clowns, typically a white face and an auguste, dealing with the spirit of complaining — […]

2 Parties and a Pig Sty
2 PARTIES & A PIG STY – a skit for 4 or more speaking clowns, with lots of audience participation – original skit by Larry […]

Magic Coloring Book [clown routine]
Magic Coloring Book – a simple clown routine

The Tie is Always Greener
The Tie is Always Greener – an original clown skit by Goofy Grape, for 2 speaking clowns (starts with Goofy Grape having a small table […]

Wrong Way Banana
Wrong Way Banana – clown ministry skit for 2 speaking clowns (A clown skit for two clowns, typically a white face and an auguste, although any […]

God’s Love
God’s Love, a skit for 4 silent clowns, written by John Gravley MAIN IDEA: show that God loves us even when we feel unlovable or unworthy […]

I am redeemed, but not with hot dogs
I am redeemed, but not with hot dogs – a clown ministry skit for 2 speaking clowns A skit for two talking clowns, explaining what […]