Piñata clown ministry skit – a clown ministry skit, suitable for Sunday school class.
Clowns: 2, possibly three. Clown type (hobo/tramp, Auguste, whiteface) shouldn’t matter
Props: a piñata, filled with candy. A bat, hopefully foam, or a piñata stick. A small table to put the props on.
Piñata skit
Two clowns (I’m using a pair of Auguste clowns, but any pair should work) come on stage. Raynbow is carrying a candy-filled piñata, and a stick or foam bat. He puts both on the table, and starts addressing the children.
Raynbow: Hello, kids! We’ve been asked to talk about the Holy Spirit, and we’re going to use this piñata to help explain it.
Goofy Grape: A piñata is like the Holy Spirit?
Raynbow: No, Christians are like the piñata. Shake it. [Goofy gives it a vigorous shake, so the children can hear the candy inside]. The piñata is full of sweets [Goofy’s face lights up] which is for the children afterward. [Goofy looks crestfallen]. But like the piñata, we Christians have something special on the inside, too.
Goofy Grape: [slowly getting an idea] Wait a minute …. You mean you have something special inside, like the piñata?
Raynbow: [wrongfully thinking she’s getting the idea] Yes. All Christians …
Goofy Grape: [interrupting] Gotta go! Back in a minute! [dashes off stage]
Raynbow: [reacts] Well, that’s weird. Anyway, God the Holy Spirit lives inside every Christian. That’s the “something special”. The Holy Spirit is our teacher, and our comforter, and …
Goofy Grape: [runs back on stage, with the stick or foam bat] Hold still, Raynbow! I’m gonna knock the candy right out of you!
Raynbow: Wait! Hold on! That’s not the idea! [starts running, as he’s chase by Goofy. The third clown or kids minister comes up to address the audience]
Kids Minister: I don’t think that Goofy quite understands. The Holy Ghost lives inside us, to help us, teach us, and encourage us. But He’s not candy.
[as he’s speaking, Goofy chases Raynbow across the stage behind him]
Goofy: Candy!
[off-stage, the audience hears the sound of the stick or bat beating a piñata (or some such), as Raynbow loudly yells, “Ow! Ow! Ow!” The sketch ends with Goofy coming back on stage with a large bowl of candy!]