Mime Ministry [book review]

Mime Ministry by Susie Kelly Toomey

Mime Ministry by Susie Kelly Toomey

An illustrated, easy-to-follow guidebook for organizing, programming and training a troupe of Christian mimes

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Mime Ministry, by Susie Kelly Toomey, is an excellent introduction to the art of mime, how it can be used in ministry, and how & why to use mime. It is very readable, with large type, dozens of photographs and hundreds of illustrations, and lots of very good information. It presents the how and why of communicating non-verbally, exercises to hone those skills, sample skits, and much more. I truly liked it, and recommend it.

Table of Contents for Mime Ministry

Chapter 1: Mime — Yesterday and Today

Chapter 2: Rationale for Mime in Christian Ministry

Chapter 3: Purpose of a Christian Mime Ministry

  • Mimes and clown mimes are instant attention-getters
  • Mimes can communicate feelings and thoughts in a unique way
  • Mimes can present important lessons and messages in a humorous way
  • The actor himself becomes anonymous: the attention is focused on the character and message of the mime

Chapter 4: How to Organize a Mime Troupe

Chapter 5: Programming a Mime Ministry

  • Skits and interpretations
  • Promotion
  • Walk-Arounds

Chapter 6: Make-up and Costumes

Chapter 7: Warm up Exercises and Games

  • Facial exercises
  • Body warm-ups
  • Fun warm-ups

Chapter 8: Techniques of Mime

  • Basic body positions and body separations
  • Freeze positions
  • Slow motion action
  • Mechanical people
  • Emotions
  • Simple tasks
  • Handling imaginary objects
  • Character impersonations
  • Animal Characterizations
  • Mirror images
  • Illusions

Chapter 9: Performance Tips

  • Exaggerate! Magnify your actions!
  • Communicate an idea, emotion or thought rather than acting out words
  • Communicate in adequate detail
  • Wind up for each action
  • Do not let imaginary objects magically appear and disappear
  • Make actions sharp and clear, completing each action before beginning another
  • Freedom of expression
  • Choosing materials
  • Preparation of performer and program
  • Setting and set tips
  • Final tips

Chapter 10: Song Interpretations

Chapter 11: Scripture Interpretations

Chapter 12: Mime skits with a message

Chapter 13: Christian mimes & workshops


I rate it 4 clowns out of 5.

Rating: 4 out of 5.
About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson