The Fool’s Prayer
The Fool’s Prayer, by Edward Rowland Sill (1841-1887) – a poem about a prayer, uttered by a court jester, that had an unexpected result
The Fool’s Prayer, by Edward Rowland Sill (1841-1887) – a poem about a prayer, uttered by a court jester, that had an unexpected result
In “Crazy House”, Benny Rubin checks into Vernon Dent’s “Lame Brain” sanitarium, where the staff is as insane as the patients! A series of short, […]
Clown Week 2023 day 7 – let’s go bump a nose!
Clown Week Day 6 – TV & Movie Clowns
Clown Week 2023 Day 5 – Circus clowns
Happy Clown Week 2023 Day 4 – celebrating our happy hobos and sad tramps
Clown Week 2023- day 3 – Auguste clowns
It’s National Clown Week! A week to celebrate, and promote, all things clown! Circus clowns, parade clowns, birthday party clowns – any and all joy […]
What is my clown worth? An answer posted on Quora, by a clown who’s trying to figure out how much to charge for a performance
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