A Clown Valentine

Cupid silhouette - Couple holding hands, in A Clown Valentine – a clown skit for a clown troupe, courtesy of Clowns for Christ
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A Clown Valentine – a clown skit for a clown troupe, courtesy of Clowns for Christ

Parts:  Narrator, Cupid, Married Couple, Mother, Dad, Baby, Grandmother, Grandchild, Three Kids, Teacher, Student, Lady

Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a Mythical Character. That means he was a pretend guy, named Cupid.

(Cupid comes out dancing with a Nerf bow and arrow)

Narrator: One year as Valentine’s Day drew near, Cupid noticed that he had done a good job, or someone had since Cupid spent most of his time playing. (Cupid starts to play with a yo-yo or paddle ball) There was a lot of love everywhere.

Couple holding hands, in A Clown Valentine – a clown skit for a clown troupe, courtesy of Clowns for Christ

(Couple comes out dancing. He gives her a flower and she gives him a cupcake, then they go and sit together on edge of stage)

Narrator: Well the Cupid noticed that people who loved each other were sure nice to each other and gave each other things. Then he noticed that there were other kinds of love, parents and children loved each other.

(Family comes out. Mom kisses on baby/child and Dad pretends to throw him in the air. Then, both holding baby/child’s hands, they go sit on the edge of the stage)

Narrator: Cupid also noticed that grandparents and grandchildren had a lot of love between them.
(A Grandmother and Grandchild come out. They come out holding hands and carrying shopping bags. They are pointing and giggling as they shop. Then the Grandmother pulls two cookies out of her bag and they begin to eat as they go sit on the edge of the stage)

Narrator: Then Cupid noticed that even people who were not related could love each other. Like friends.

(Three Kids come out holding hands and play Ring Around the Rosie. Then, holding hands, they go sit on the edge of the stage and continue to play jacks very quietly)

Cupid silhouette - Couple holding hands, in A Clown Valentine – a clown skit for a clown troupe, courtesy of Clowns for Christ

Narrator: Then Cupid saw people like teachers and students who loved each other.
(Teacher and Student come out. Teacher has an open book and is showing Student something. He gets excited and starts to nod, then they go to edge of stage and continue reading together.)

Narrator: The last straw was when Cupid saw neighbors who loved each other.
(Lady comes out with a cookbook and an empty measuring cup. Very quickly, Mother, Grandmother, and Teacher clowns all rush forward holding canisters, or bags of sugar. Lady laughs and goes to sit with them.)

Narrator: Well Cupid had had enough. He was tired of everyone having someone to love except him. You see being a pretend guy, he had no girlfriend. . .

Cupid: Yuck!!!!!

Narrator: Shhhhh! Now as I was saying, he also had no kids, no parents, no grandparents, no teacher, no friends and no neighbors. Well, he thought about it and decided that he would find himself a person to love him, someone who would always love him no matter what. So he started trying to make someone love him.

(Cupid starts chasing everyone around and shooting them with the bow and arrow. Finally, Mother takes the bow and arrow, the two men grab his arms, then the Grandmother makes them let go, and she smooths his hair, and the kids sit down so they can watch him)

Narrator: The people explained to him that, there were better ways to get someone to love him, and then they told him about the one person who already loved him and would always love him. They told him that he had known this person all along. They showed him that his bow was a crossbow and that the cross was the ultimate symbol of love and that Jesus loved him so much he had given up his own life. Well, Cupid began to pray and all the people prayed with him. They were all so glad that on this Valentine’s Day, they had been given the greatest gift of all. The love of Jesus.
(everyone on knees holding hands)

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson