Do I Look Okay?

Do I Look Okay? A gospel skit, dealing with how we think that we’re fit for God’s presence … by Goofy Grape
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A gospel skit, dealing with how we think that we’re fit for God’s presence … by Goofy Grape

Stages of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

  1. The lost need to realize their condition (clown comes on stage in rags, hair unkempt, dressed in a garbage bag, etc.) – she “thinks” she looks good until she realizes that other people are staring at her. She looks in mirror, recognizes her condition
  2. She begins pulling off different ‘sins’ (velcro shapes – bottle for drinking/partying, #!@$! for bad language, thermometer/angry face for temper, rudeness, black splotch for ‘dirty little secret’, white splotch for ‘little white lies’, etc.
  3. The realisation that taking off the bad things isn’t enough – Second clown (or pastor, youth pastor, etc.) comes on stage to speak with her—“Jesus wants to make you clean – do you want to be clean?” – need for “Jesus Soap” (Gospel presentation in plain English, not churchese)
  4. Clown walks behind changing curtain, bubbles pop out over the top of the curtain, walks out in clean costume with clean attitude – sparkly new outfit, all excited
  5. Clown(s) walk off stage, talking about what happens next, with pastor/children’s pastor coming to the stage
About tom.raymond 1598 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson