The S-T-R-E-S-S Song – a free clown ministry skit for 2 talking clowns
In a nutshell, one clown is trying to sing “the next great country music song” for the audience, only for the second clown to keep interrupting his performance, making him more stressed out with each successive attempt. Remember the Rule of Three—after repeating the same thing three times, it ceases to be funny.
Below is a sample video I did last night, with the “assistance” of my two daughters—enjoy, make the skit your own, run with it, and be sure to let me know how it worked for you!
(One final note: ‘performance rights granted’ means you can freely perform the skit, or the silly song for that matter, in any public performance without asking permission. You can’t publish it in a book of clown skits, etc. without permission from me. If you’re silly enough to want to do that, contact me & the answer will most likely be “Yes!” anyway 🙂