Lucy and the Submarine

Lucy and the Submarine - The Lucy Show

Lucy and the SubmarineThe Lucy Show season 5

In Lucy and the Submarine, Lucy must contact Mr. Mooney, who’s left for naval reserve duty. Guess who gets stuck on Mooney’s submarine?

At the Bank

Mr. Mooney shows up at work in full Navy regalia. He startles Lucy, who spills the mail all over the floor. Then he explains that he’ll be gone for two weeks as part of the Navy Reserve. But then he makes the mistake of telly Lucy a highly-exaggerated story of his brave Navy service during the war. And, when Commander Moore shows up to take Mr. Mooney with him, Lucy has a kind-hearted suggestion. Couldn’t Mr. Mooney have an active role for two weeks, instead of sitting behind a desk? Letting him relive his “glory days”, so to speak. Despite Mr. Mooney’s protests, the Commander’s happy to have him join him on his submarine! Mr. Mooney leaves, after Lucy’s damaged his ceremonial sword. And without signing some very important papers! So …

At the Navy Base

Lucy first tries to get into the Navy base the normal way — but the guard won’t let anyone through without a pass. So Lucy takes advantage of a laundry truck, dresses as a sailor — complete with her purse! — and bluffs her way through the gate. Soon, a seasick Mr. Mooney is on the submarine as executive officer. And “Seaman” Lucy joins him, to get him to sign the important papers. And she needs to get off the sub, but the Admiral and Commander come by. When told to “snap to”, she accidentally sets off the klaxon alarm!

then the sub’s underway, and Mr. Mooney needs to hide her somewhere …. So he tries the torpedo tube! Then, on the bunk, but then a male sailor comes in and lies down. And keeps talking to Lucy, not realizing that it’s a girl.

Then the sub dives, and both Lucy and Mooney panic! Soon the sub’s underway. It’s the most important torpedo drill of the year …. And Lucy’s swabbing the deck, including under the Commander’s feet!

Fire one?

Commander: This is torpedo exercise! We’re about to fire one!
Lucy: Fire one?
Sailor: Fire one!

And the sub fires a torpedo, and …. Sinks the Admiral’s barge! But, it’s okay! He wasn’t flying the proper recognition flags, and they took action. Rather than being upset, he’s giving all the crew extra leave. And the crew “hip, hip, hooray” the Admiral, waving their hat in the air …. Including Lucy, who’s blown her disguise, ending the episode.

Cast of characters

Trivia for Lucy and the Submarine

  • Lucy mentions her hometown is Jamestown, New York. Which is the hometown of Lucille Ball.
  • Roy Roberts would later return to play Mr. Mooney’s boss, Mr. Cheever.
  • Mr. Mooney is a lieutenant commander in the United States Naval Reserve. In real life, during World War II, Gale Gordon served in the United States Coast Guard as a Petty Officer 1st Class (Gunner’s Mate). The Coast Guard was under the control of the United States Navy during World War II.
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Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson