Do you want to be a clown? Do you want to know how? Here’s a series of tutorials on how to do that:
How do I start Clowning? Introduction
Finding your clown character
- How do I start clowning? Finding your clown character
- Choosing a clown character is the foundational step in being (or becoming) a clown. Allow me to correct myself: choosing your clown character is the foundational step.
- Character is the issue
- Numerous times on this site, I’ve pointed out that a clown’s character is what injects both life and humor into his performance. In addition, it’s the character of the clown that customizes a skit as well.
- How do I start clowning? Silence is Golden
- consider starting your clown as being mute Some wonderful advice that Randy Christiansen makes in his pamphlet Clowning for Christ is: for the first year of performing, don’t let your clown character speak. At first, this…
- How Do I Start Clowning? Now what do I do?
- So, you’ve determined your clown character, designed your make-up, and created a costume that will work for you. What next? Well, before you go before that first audience, you will need something to do to…
Clown makeup
- How do I start clowning? clown makeup, part 1
- Creating your clown face - clown makeup introduction. There are many things to be said about clown makeup — however, there is one thing that must come first. Ignore what you’ve heard – your clown face is not a mask! It’s entirely the opposite …
- How Do I Start Clowning? Makeup Essentials, part 2 – your clown face
- designing and applying your clown face
- How do I start clowning? Clown makeup, part 3
- Clown noses for your clown face
- How do I start clowning? Clown makeup essentials, part 4
- Completing your clown face
Clown Costume
- How do I start clowning? clown costume, part 1
- An introduction to finding / creating your clown’s costume. Clothes make the man, and that’s somewhat true for clowns as well
- Clown Costume part 2 - part of the clowning tutorial
- Letâs talk about some of the specifics of your clown costume. Keep in mind a few basic guidelines:
- How do I start clowning? clown costume, part 3
- When it comes time to make your own clown costume — a few things to remember. First, you’re going to be moving around quite a bit – you’ll want your costume to be comfortable.
- How do I start clowning? clown shoes on the cheap
- This is simply a short article expanding on the advice from last time about cheap clown shoes
Twisting Balloon Animals
- Clown Tutorial – twisting balloon animals, part 1
- The first clown skill we’ll look at is twisting balloon animals into different shapes. Why balloon animals first? There are several reasons …
- How do I start clowning? Balloon twisting, part 2
- Weâre now at the point where the rubber meets the road (pun intended), and start learning how to actually twist balloons. Actually, it’s the latex meeting the road, not the rubber since the balloons we’ll be using are made…
- Clown tutorial - balloon twisting, part 3
- Clown tutorial – balloon twisting, part 3 Welcome back! Hopefully, by this time you’ve had an opportunity to purchase some balloons (260Q), purchase a pump, and inflate some balloons, and try twisting a simple dog. Now we’re going to add to your repertoire. Like this …
- Balloon Twisting video tutorials
- Balloon Animals in an hour – based an a class my wife & I present, an introduction to balloon twisting
Clown Magic
- How do I start Clowning? Clown Magic part 1
- An introduction to clown magic — today, we’re going to begin discussing clown magic, how it is similar to “standard” magic, and how it differs. Let’s begin with getting some definitions out of the way.
- How do I start Clowning? Clown Magic part 2
- Today, we’re going to discuss clown magic, how it is similar to “standard” magic, and how it differs.
- How do I start Clowning? Clown Magic part 3
- Welcome back – today, the rubber meets the road, and we introduce a free magic trick that you can introduce into your clowning. As always, you want to adapt these things to fit your character….
- How do I start Clowning? Clown Magic part 4
- Clown Magic – do’s and don’ts of magic tricks
What’s Next?
- How Do I Start Clowning? Now what do I do?
- So, you’ve determined your clown character, designed your make-up, and created a costume that will work for you. What next? Well, before you go before that first audience, you will need something to do to…
- The Rule of Three in comedy
- Have you seen a comedian, or comedy troupe, repeat a bit over, and over, and over, until the blatant unfunniness was painful to watch? They should have used the Rule of Three
- How Do I Start Clowning? Choosing a clown name
- “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.” … and your clown name tells your audience — and you — who you are …
- Warm ups and cool downs at clown performances
- One of the basics about clown performances that often bet overlooked is the need for warm-up exercises beforehand, and cool down exercises afterward.