Clowning tutorial

Staff make up demonstration - after. Back row: Kenny Ahern, Brenda Ahern (yes, they're related -- happily married). Front row: Betty Cash/Peewee, Linda Batdorf/Spin, Jim Howle/Jim
Staff make up demonstration - after.

Do you want to be a clown? Do you want to know  how? Here’s a series of tutorials on how to do that:
How do I start Clowning? Introduction

Finding your clown character

  • How do I start clowning? Finding your clown character
    • Choosing a clown character is the foundational step in being (or becoming) a clown. Allow me to correct myself: choosing your clown character is the foundational step.
  • Character is the issue
    • Numerous times on this site, I’ve pointed out that a clown’s character is what injects both life and humor into his performance. In addition, it’s the character of the clown that customizes a skit as well.
  • How do I start clowning? Silence is Golden
    • consider starting your clown as being mute Some wonderful advice that Randy Christiansen makes in his pamphlet Clowning for Christ is: for the first year of performing, don’t let your clown character speak. At first, this…
  • How Do I Start Clowning? Now what do I do?
    • So, you’ve determined your clown character, designed your make-up, and created a costume that will work for you. What next? Well, before you go before that first audience, you will need something to do to…

Clown makeup

Clown Costume

 Twisting Balloon Animals

Clown Magic

What’s Next?

  • How Do I Start Clowning? Now what do I do?
    • So, you’ve determined your clown character, designed your make-up, and created a costume that will work for you. What next? Well, before you go before that first audience, you will need something to do to…
  • The Rule of Three in comedy
    • Have you seen a comedian, or comedy troupe, repeat a bit over, and over, and over, until the blatant unfunniness was painful to watch?  They should have used the Rule of Three
  • How Do I Start Clowning? Choosing a clown name
    • “What’€˜s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.”€ … and your clown name tells your audience — and you —  who you are …
  • Warm ups and cool downs at clown performances
    • One of the basics about clown performances that often bet overlooked is the need for warm-up exercises beforehand, and cool down exercises afterward.
About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson