Marketing your clown with Google Adwords

Marketing your clown with Google Adwords – a quick introduction

You may be the best clown in your area, but if nobody knows that you’re there, how will they find you?   Whether you clown for ministry or strictly for money (or both), in either case people need to know that you are out there in order for you to perform for them.
There are a great many ways, but today I’m going to write about one: Google AdWords.  
If you’re on the Internet, you likely have heard of the Google search engine (   When you search for something at Google, you will see several small ads in boxes on the right-hand side.  Someone is paying for their ads to show for whatever term that you entered.   If you click on one of those ads, it will take you to the advertiser’s web page.  This costs the advertiser a small amount.   Please note that it doesn’t cost anything when someone views the advertisement, only when someone actually clicks on them.  Hence the term, Pay Per Click.
What does that have to do with you (or me, for that matter)? Well, I’ve recently relocated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and needed a way to let people know that I was available as a clown for hire.  So, I went to  and set up ads.  Within three days, I had my first clown gig booked in my new area.   Is it a good return on investment?   It definitely is for me.  That ad cost me less than one dollar, and the clown gig (for my wife and I both) is for several hundred dollars, so I would say definitely so.
Is this the only marketing you should do?   Definitely not; but it’s certainly a way to quickly jump-start my clowning in my new area.p.s. It should be noted that my ‘day job’ is as a web designer and marketer – at my last job I actually ran several AdWords campaigns for our clients, and so I had a bit of a ‘heads up’ on the how-to of Google AdWords – if anyone would like more detail on the ‘nuts and bolts’ of
p.s. It should be noted that my ‘day job’ is as a web designer and marketer.  At my last job I actually ran several AdWords campaigns for our clients, and so I had a bit of a ‘heads up’ on the how-to of Google AdWords.  If anyone would like more detail on the ‘nuts and bolts’ of  how  to set up a Google AdWords ad campaign, let me know either via the comments or via email.  If so, I’ll be glad to post a detailed ‘how-to’.  As always, thanks for listening.

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson