How to be a Compleat Clown

How to be a Compleat Clown, by Toby Sanders

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How to be a Compleat Clown, by Toby Sanders

A truly wonderful book, regretfully now out of print. I first read it several years ago, and found a copy in my local library, allowing me to write this review. In fact, I was so loathe to not have a copy in my library, I went and bought a copy myself at  (about 5 minutes ago, as I write this). Why?  What makes this book so good?

Several things. It’s written from the perspective of the clown,  aimed at neophyte & beginner  clowns. It has  both  a wide exposure to different aspects of the art with chapters dedicated to: what  makes humor funny, clown character, clown make-up, costuming, physical comedy,  equipment & props, juggling, puppetry, balloon animals, and more. In addition, each chapter is detailed and informative. For example the chapter on clown magic is 35 pages long. It has several excellent illustrations, and instructions on how to create several magic props …. And the clown skits to go with them. As an example, there is a classic magic trick with ropes, known as  The Professor’s Nightmare, which retails at a magic shop for $10+ — instructions for performing it are include, along with diagrams — saving you $10.00.

If for nothing else, the book is worth purchasing for the ‘how-to’ instructions on creating the numerous props. But then, the entire book is a gem. My only complaint is that it’s not long enough (although it’s 270 pages). You simply want even more of this excellent resource.

I rate it 4 clowns  clownclownclownclown  on a 5-clown scale.

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson