Fool of the Kingdom: How to Be an Effective Clown Minister by Philip D. Noble
Editorial Reviews
Midwest Book Review: True clowns of God aren’t known by their big red noses or floppy shoes — they’re known by their hearts. In Fool Of The Kingdom, Philip Noble (a. k. a. “Rainbow”) gives an insider’s view of clown ministry with anecdotes, sketches and fun. Helpful “how-to” information is included on developing a clown character, juggling, clown make up, gospel magic trick and much more! Also featured are 16 clown-tested sketches including: “To Receive a Heart”; “Like Sheep”; “The Snowflake”; and “Labels”. Fool Of The Kingdom is a unique contribution to the literature of ministry — and a great deal of fun to read!
The author, Philip D. Noble email:philipdnoble@easynet.co.uk , April 4, 1997
Encouraging simple creative skills. My aim in writing this book was to share more widely some of the delightful and wonderful things that I have stumbled upon in my life, so far. I have collected ( and continue to collect ) simple skills and visual aids from people of all ages and different cultures. I learn more nearly every time I share these ideas and it my hope is that you will find equal joys. Enjoy the book.
A smile is the light
on the window of your face
that tells others
that your heart is at home.