The Jester Has Lost His Jingle

The Jester Has Lost His Jingle, by David Saltzman -- highly recommended

The Jester Has Lost His Jingle, by David Saltzman

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Although this book is rated for children ages 4-8, this is one of those books like  The Clown of God that everybody should read, whether or not you have children. In this case, especially if you or a loved one have a serious illness like cancer.

That really puts this on a serious, depressing note, doesn’t it? Not really … Not if you’ve read the book. In a nutshell, the Jester in some mythical kingdom has ‘lost his jingle’ — is no longer able to make people laugh. And what good is a Jester who can’t jest? So the Jester leaves, on a quest to find his ‘jingle.’ At one point, he ends up in a hospital, visiting a child who replies to his question with “Here I lie with a tumor, and you ask where’s my sense of humor?”

That’s really the crux of this book. It’s about finding your sense of humor regardless of your circumstances. It’s a lesson the author, David Saltzman, found in the midst of his own struggle with cancer. It’s a question that everyone needs to face; and in my own highly biased opinion, this is a wonderful book that everyone should read, regardless of whether or not you have children. Go to your local library, or buy a copy at, and do yourself a favor.

I rate it 4 clowns on clownclownclownclown a 5-clown scale.

Editorial review of  The Jester has Lost his Jingle, courtesy of

In this charming tale, The Jester awakes one morning to find laughter missing in his kingdom and he and his helpmate, Pharley, set off on a quest to find it. They ultimately discover that not only can laughter redeem a weary world, it also can provide the best tonic for anyone facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Written in captivating rhyme with vibrant, full-color illustrations that bring The Jester & Pharley’s adventures to life.

Esteemed Author-Artist Maurice Sendak wrote the Afterword, saying: David was a natural craftsman and storyteller. His passionate picture book is issued out of a passionate heart. David’s Jester soars with life.

Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau praises the story as: A sweet fable about a cheerful soul who temporarily loses faith in himself, but ultimately reaffirms his true calling — helping others discover the joy within themselves. Read it and smile.

Actress-Comedienne Carol Burnett says: The Jester Has Lost His Jingle is a magical story that captures the healing power of laughter.

Peanuts creator Charles Schulz, said: David’s book gives us a lot to think about. It has certainly done that for me.

Awards and honors include:

  • Moms Choice Philanthropic Gold Award
  • Seal of Excellence Award
  • Creative Child Magazine
  • Intergenerational Award: Generations United
  • Dr. Toy: 100 Best Children s Products & 10 Best Socially Responsible Childrens Products
  • Caring For Children Recognition of Excellence Award: Toy Industry Association/Toy Industry Foundation
  • Honor Award: National Assn. Parenting Publications
About tom.raymond 1602 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson