Bozo the Clown ventriloquist doll

Bozo the Clown ventriloquist doll

Bozo the Clown ventriloquist doll

30″ Bozo the Clown Ventriloquist Doll with Tote Bag and Instruction Booklet.

Bozo the Clown ventriloquist doll

30″ Ventriloquist doll of Larry Harmon‘s Bozo, the World Famous Clown! Dressed in Bozo’s traditional blue clown outfit trimmed in red and white with red yarn hair and red painted clown nose. Ideal for adults and children both. Enjoy hours of fun. Great for enhancing a child’s imagination. Bozo the Clown ventriloquist doll has a moving mouth, which is easily operated using a string in the back of the neck. Bozo the Clown ventriloquist doll comes in a re-usable zippered, vinyl tote bag and an instruction booklet “Seven Simple Steps To Ventriloquism.”
The bad news is: at this time, it’s out of stock at Amazon.  The good news is, some are available on eBay.

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson