‘Twas the Night Before Christmas – clown version
Twas the night before Christmas and all through our towns The birthday King has summoned His clowns Clowns to bring joy in the midst of […]
Twas the night before Christmas and all through our towns The birthday King has summoned His clowns Clowns to bring joy in the midst of […]
Freckles the Clownone morning bent downto sniff at a lovely red rose,but lifted the blossomtoo close to the awesomeexpanse of his bubbly red nose.
God bless all clowns.Who star in the world with laughter,Who ring the rafters with flying jest,Who make the world spin merry on its way.
Song lyrics to Be A Clown, written by Cole Porter, performed by Judy Garland and Gene Kelly in The Pirate (1948) I’ll remember forever,When I […]
Frogs. Frogs. Frogs, they are everywhere.Frogs. Frogs. Frogs croaking fill the air.Louder. Louder. Louder is their blasting blareand there’s no silence in the night.
The Circus – poem by Red Skelton Red Skelton wrote this poem in honor of his father, a former circus clown, whom Red never knew […]
Clown Creed 2000 – An update, circa 2000, to the Clown Creed – a corollary to the Clown Commandments. A statement of principles for professional […]
I will keep my acts, performance and behavior in good taste while I am in costume and makeup. I will remember at all times that […]
As I stumble through this life,help me to create more laughter than tears,dispense more cheer than gloom,spread more cheer than despair.
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