A Letter from God – a clown ministry skit for two speaking clowns, by Raynbow the Clown
props needed – a letter, or folded piece of paper, and a Bible—either normal or clown-sized
the skit begins with two clowns entering the stage from opposite sides—they are both on their way to different destinations when they see each other
Clown 1: Clown 2!
Clown 2: (looking up, sees Clown 1) Clown 1!
(they walk towards each other and give a clownish handshake—for example, Clown 2 “bounces” up and down as Clown 1 vigorously shakes his hand, or their hands miss each other, trying again until they succeed on the third try, or …)
Clown 1: So good to see you, Clown 2!
Clown 2: The same here! Did you hear about the letter from God? (pulls out an envelope, or a folded piece of paper)
Clown 1: (reacts, does a “take” to the audience) A letter from God?
Clown 2: Yes! Apparently, God sent an angel to the earth, to see how bad things had gotten, and the angel reported back to God that 95% of the people were sinful!
Clown 1: (confused) 95%? That doesn’t sound right …
Clown 2: Yep! And just to make sure, God sent another angel, who reported the same thing—that 95% of the people were sinful! So God sent a letter to the 5% who were good, to encourage them.
Clown 1: (to the audience) Something doesn’t seem right here …
Clown 2: (holding letter at arm’s length, as though he’s reading it) And do you know what that letter said?
Clown 1: (looking confused) No …
Clown 2: (laughing at his own punchline) Oh! So you didn’t get a letter either! (laugh)
Clown 1: (pulls out his Bible) Yes, I did.
Clown 2: (looking shocked) Wait a minute! That was a joke! There’s no letter from God!
Clown 1: (holding Bible towards the audience) Yes, there is! The Bible is God’s letter to us; and it’s not sent to the 5% good people, either. He sent it to the bad people.
Clown 2: (reacting, aghast) What! To the bad people! You mean to the good people!
Clown 1: (opening the Bible) Nope! The Bible says that there’s no one good, not even one person. But God loved us so much, he sent his only Son, Jesus, to take our punishment—because He loves us. You see, it’s not just a letter—it’s a love letter.
Clown 2: (as the realization dawns) Oooh! Say, can you tell me more of what God’s love letter says?
Clown 1: (as he & Clown 2 start walking off stage) Sure! (fading as they go) For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.