BREAKING THE LAW: THE WAY TO SALVATION — courtesy of Shelley Hitz, hitzshel75 at cs.com, a clown skit for 3 speaking clowns
A big poster with the ten commandments written on them (could look like stone tablets) saying at the top “God’s standards for Life”
A few balloons with a sign that says, “Balloons for sale $1 each”
A big Bible
Clown 1 Walks in with a big Bible under his arm. He sees the Ten Commandments and mentally goes through each one (looks at it or points at it, then thinks about it and nods his head affirmatively that yes he’s kept that one). Clown 1 is showing a very self-righteous attitude.
Clown 2 Walks in from the other side of the stage and sees clown 1.
Clown 1 “Yep, I’ve got that one covered, that one too …. Wow, I’m on my way to heaven. I don’t know about you (pointing at clown 2), but I’ve (pointing at himself) kept ALL the commandments.”
Clown 2 Shakes his head slightly at clown 1’s self-righteous attitude and says, “Hey man, did you realize that the Bible says in James 2:10 ‘If you break one commandment, you’ve broken them all.’? God’s law, his ten commandments (points to the Ten Commandments sign) is just to point out our sin, that none of us can keep it all perfectly all the time. It shows that we need Jesus. In order to get to heaven, we have to first admit that we are a sinner. Romans 7:7 says, ‘I would not have known what sin was except through the law (points again to the Ten Commandments).’”
Clown 1 Puffs up his chest even higher and says, “I am definitely NOT a sinner. I’ve kept all those commandments.”
Clown 2 Walks away shaking his head saying, “Good luck.” He walks over and sets up his sign saying, “Balloons for sale, $1 each”.
Clown 1 Walks over to clown 2 selling balloons and sets down his Bible in the center of the stage. While clown 2 isn’t looking, clown 1 “steals a balloon”. The clown 1 turns his back toward clown 2 and looks toward the audience to begin blowing up the balloon.
Clown 2 Finally notices clown 1 and says, “Hey, did you take one of my balloons?”
Clown 1 Turns around trying to hide the balloon behind his back saying “No, no, I didn’t take anything!” but accidentally lets the balloon go and it flies into the audience.
Clown 2 Angry, he steps over toward clown 2 pointing his finger at the chest of clown 1 saying, “You did take one of my balloons … you know what that makes you?…. a LYING THIEF!!!!!”
Clown 2 Stomps back to where he was selling balloons shaking his head saying, “Liar, thief …. and he thought he could keep all the commandments?” He sits down and begins reading a book.
Clown 1 At the same time, clown 1 realizes his sin and looks at the 10 commandments sign sadly realizing he’s just broken two of them. He says “I’ve just broken two of the Ten Commandments … Do not steal, do not lie. I thought I was a good person! But, I’m still able to keep the other eight commandments. Surely, the Bible doesn’t mean that if I break one commandment its as if I’ve broken them all. I bet Jesus will still let me into heaven with 80% correct!”
Clown 3 (the opposite sex of the clown 1 & 2) Walks across the stage.
Clown 1 Notices clown 3 and whistles at her. Clown 1 tries to get clown 3’s attention by whistling, winking, blowing kisses etc. Clown 1 looks out towards the audience and gives a knowing look like yeah; she looks good and gives the thumbs up sign.
Clown 3 Stops and talks to clown 2 selling balloons.
Clown 1 As clown 1 turns back around to begin following clown 3 again, he “trips” over his Bible that he laid in the center of the stage earlier. He stands up hopping on one foot and holding his other foot as if he stubbed his toe.
Clown 2 He has been watching all of this and stands up saying, “Hey, it serves you right for looking lustfully at my sister!!! In that book you just tripped over, Jesus said that if you look at a woman lustfully, you’ve committed adultery in your heart ….. that makes you a LYING, THEIVING, ADULTERER AT HEART!!!” Clown 3 takes his sister off stage shaking his head and giving clown 1 a you can’t do anything right look.
Clown 1 Looks up to heaven saying, “God, I thought I was good enough to get into heaven. But, I was wrong. (He hangs his head) I realize that I will never be able to fully live up to YOUR standards (pointing to the Ten Commandments). I realize that I am a lying thieving, adulterer at heart …. how could someone like me get into heaven? (He sighs loudly) “What did the other guy say earlier …. that the Ten Commandments just show me that I’m a sinner and need Jesus? Yeah, that’s what he said. (He gets on his knees)
Jesus, I realize that I am a sinner and can’t get to heaven on my own. Please forgive me for all the wrong things I’ve done. I want to have a true relationship with you. Help me to love you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and to obey you. Thank you for showing me the true way to heaven. Amen.”
He stands up looking relieved and happy. He now looks out to the audience. “How about you? Have you ever told a lie or stolen something, even if it was small? I realized its impossible to get to heaven by trying to be good. If any of you, like me, realize you are a sinner, and are truly sorry for what you’ve done then you can pray the same prayer I prayed.
Jesus, I realize that I am a sinner and can’t get to heaven on my own. Please forgive me for all the wrong things I’ve done. I want to have a true relationship with you. Help me to love you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and to obey you. Thank you for showing me the true way to heaven. Amen.”
It’s not easy being a Christian, but the Bible says that only those who obey what God wants for their lives will go to heaven. Wow, I need to start reading my Bible more so that I know how I can love God more and obey him every day. I better go get started …. bye!!!