Clown Auditions

Clown Auditions
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Clown Auditions

Application-  Jesus is the only one who can give you comfort when you’re alone.

Scripture- 2nd Corinthians


Juggling Props


Doc the Rube, JJ, Sparky, Steve Bailey, Minnie, Skippy the Wonderdog


Music- Circus Music



  • Steve Bailey, if on stage, dresses us as a Ringmaster.
  • Feel free to substitute.  For example, if you don’t have a Wonderdog (and how many of us do), feel free to have multiple cute, adorable children (or whatever else) instead
  • Feel free to add more clowning.  For example, when I did this (substituting for Sparky), I had the idea of having a damp sponge hidden inside a handkerchief, so I could “wring out my tears”.  If performing this inside, be sure to get permission first!  In the same way, feel free to add other bits of clown business – just don’t stretch it out so long that the point is missed


Steve Bailey: [Steve announces from the audiovisual booth.] “Attention, please.  Next up for the clown auditions. Doc and JJ.”

[Doc and JJ enter and begin a fancy juggling routine.]

Steve Bailey:  [after only a few seconds“Next.”  

[Doc and JJ are exasperated but move to the side of the stage.  Sparky enters tentatively and approaches the stage microphone.]

Sparky: “Have you heard the one about…”

Steve Bailey: “Next.”  

[Doc and JJ laugh at Sparky and then pull him to the side of the stage.  Minnie enters with Skippy the Wonder Dog and curtsies while smiling.]

Steve Bailey: “Oh, yes, very nice.  I think we found our act.  Thanks to all you other clowns for coming today.  Goodbye.”  

[Minnie and Skippy exit.  Doc and JJ walk to center stage.]

Doc: “Well, I guess that we didn’t get the job.  O well. Better luck next time. Kids and animals always get chosen..”

JJ: “Well, I think that Cirque de Soleil will be calling us soon anyway.”  

[Doc and Jj see Sparky looking sad and dejected.  They go to him.]

Doc: “Hey what’s wrong with you?”

JJ: “Sparky, are you ok?”

Sparky: “Yeah, sure I’m ok.”  [He sniffles his nose and looks dejected.]

JJ: “Why are you crying like that?’”

Sparky: “How am I supposed to cry?”

JJ: “You’re not sad because of the auditions are you?”

Sparky: “I’ve never felt so sad and alone.”

Doc: “Alone, How can you feel alone in a room full and people and us?”

JJ: “Besides, even without all of these people, you’re never alone.”

Sparky: “What do you mean?  If I’m alone, how can I not be alone?

Doc: “Jesus is the answer.  He is always with you.”

Sparky: “Always?”

JJ: “Sparky, Jesus is the only one who can give you comfort when you’re sad and alone, and he always understands.”

Sparky: “How do you know all this?”

Doc: “The Bible says in 2nd Corinthians, when we receive comfort from God and Jesus we can comfort others.  Sparky how would you like to join our act? Say what was that joke again?”

[They walk off-stage]

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson