Easter Butterfly Cocoon

Easter Butterfly Cocoon – a free Christian clown skit for 1 or 2 clowns, about the change that Jesus brings
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Easter Butterfly Cocoon – a free Christian clown skit for 1 or 2 clowns, about the change that Jesus brings

Courtesy of Will Rejoice and B. Glad at www.joyset.com. A skit for 2 clowns, or 1 clown (INRI) and 1 teacher, pastor, or other “normal” person

(Begin with a clown wrapping itself up in a big sheet to try to look like a cocoon.)

TEACHER: What are you doing?

INRI: The pastor said that we have to have new life. So that made me think about a butterfly. I am going to stay in this cocoon till I become a butterfly.

TEACHER: Well Inri, it is true that butterflies are used to symbolize new life. But …

INRI: Yup, that’s right. They start off as a catah …. uh carterpilllow? … uh … quarter …. They start off as a fuzzy worm!

TEACHER: Yes INRI, but you are not ….

INRI: And then when they are ready, they spin a cocoon around themselves and they change inside the cocoon. They grow wings and antennae and …

TEACHER: That’s the important part. They change. Christ helps us to change too. Butterflies remind us of that change, but we don’t have to get into a cocoon.

INRI: Oh … I get it. A change on the inside! And I was almost ready …

TEACHER: Ready for what?

INRI: (drops the cocoon and starts juggling round margarine lids … or just toss them like frisbees, making sure the audience can see the lid tops) … Look butter …. fly!

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! Adapt! Adapt! Adapt!

Easter clown skits

About tom.raymond 1603 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson