The New Tolerance

Biblical basis of ministry
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The New Tolerance – a clown ministry skit about the sacred cow of tolerance, how it’s working its way into the modern day Church, and its’ consequences.

2 speaking clowns come on stage, one carrying an oversized Bible – a specialty prop that we’ll describe as the skit goes on

Clown 1: We’re here today to talk about the Bible, God’s unchanging Word.

Clown 2: And about “tolerance”. For example, did you know that some people are offended by things in the Bible?

Clown 1: Yes, and that’s why we have to stand for …

Clown 2: Not offending anybody! (pulls out gargantuan scissors)

Clown 1: Wait a minute …

Clown 2: For example, there’s a lot of talk about Sin in the Bible. And that makes people uncomfortable. So, out it goes! (proceeds to madly chop away at some of the pages in the Bible)

Clown 1: (pulling the Bible back) Wait a minute! You can’t do that! God says we have to repent, and believe the Gospel! If nobody knows they’re sinning, they can’t repent!

Clown 2: (ignoring him completely) And there’s all that judgmental stuff about not stealing, lying, etc. That’ll damage somebody’s self-esteem! Out it goes! (proceeds trying to cut things out again) You want to have a welcoming, seeker-friendly church, don’t you?

Clown 1: Knock it off! What’re you trying to do? You’re cutting the heart of the Bible out! (possibly pulls out a folded heart, or a Jesus silk, at this point)

Clown 2: Well, a few sacrifices need to be made for the greater good! Nobody will be offended my way! (Turns and faces Clown 1, bends his head slightly)

Clown 1: And everybody who doesn’t already know Jesus will go to Hell … your way!

Clown 2: (having put on a pair of devil horns on his head, he turns and faces the audience) But nobody will be offended …

Possible alternate ending: Clown 1 walks off stage angrily, and a 3rd person in a devil costume comes up behind Clown 2, and says something like: “That’s a good beginning … let’s work together.” and they walk off in a file, with Clown 2 never seeing who’s behind him

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson