Why include a Bible verse?

Why include a Bible verse? This was prompted by a question where someone asked me why Christian clown skits typically end with a Bible verse
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Why include a Bible verse? This was prompted by a question on the Clown Forum website (a very nice resource, by the way). Someone asked me why Christian clown skits typically end with a Bible verse, sometimes stepping out of character to deliver it. Here’s my response:

First, thanks for reading the skit 🙂

Second, I can’t speak for anyone else. But I’ll tell you why I tend to include a Bible verse in a Bible skit. Whether the clowns do it, a youth pastor does it, if it’s an integral part of the skit (“Are you done yet?”  is a good example of that) — it’s God’s Word that changes lives.  In my opinion, it’s the job of the skit to point people to that life-changing message. Yes, the skit can visually show it, underline the message, etc. But the goal is to get God’s Word into people’s head … and hearts.

As for whether the audience being unfamiliar with Biblical principles, the answer is, “maybe” …. After all, the skits can be used in evangelism outreach to people who don’t attend church, Vacation Bible Schools, etc. For that matter, I don’t think that we can assume that kids know Biblical principles, or even famous Bible stories.

For what it’s worth, I think of my skits as an outline. That everyone’s free to change as they see fit for their own performance.

Thanks again.

About tom.raymond 1606 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson