Schylling Jack-In-The-Box Toy

Yes, it's the world-famous Jack-in-the-Box -- with a colorful Jester as "Jack". Cute, colorful, safe for ages 3 & up.
 Schylling Jack-In-The-Box Toy

Yes, it’s the world-famous Jack-in-the-Box — with a colorful Jester as “Jack”. Cute, colorful, safe for ages 3 & up.

  • This award-winning, classic Jester Jack in the Box musical toy will bring joy and delight to children for generations
  • Turn the handle and it plays “Pop Goes the Weasel” until up pops a soft plush Jester amusing a child and bringing a smile
  • It’s beautifully decorated with attractive and engaging circus graphics that are loved by all children
  • Sturdy metal construction ensures long lasting play; box is 5.5 inches tall
  • Perfect for children as young as 18 months
About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson