Why do clowns make silly faces?

Ellen in Whiteface, for her previous Prudence character. Note Bagels in the background to the left.
Ellen in Whiteface, for her previous Prudence character. Note Bagels in the background to the left.

Why do clowns make silly faces? from a question on Quora

To make people smile and laugh.

That’s it. That’s all there is to it.

A clown’s job is to spread laughter. Silly faces help to do that. I did that last Saturday at a birthday party, and made a silly face for a 1-year-old — and he laughed and giggled. I did the same with his parents, and they laughed. And the grandparents. And the other guests.

In short, clowning is (or can be) an invitation to laugh, and have fun — and a silly face is just one way to send out that invitation.

Have fun, and bump a nose!

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson