Hardly Working [Jerry Lewis]

Hardly Working (1980) starring Jerry Lewis, Susan Oliver

Hardly Working (1980) starring Jerry Lewis, Susan Oliver

When a circus clown is unexpectedly out of work in the middle of the season, he has trouble finding a new job. He’s Hardly Working.


Jerry Lewis as a circus clown in "Hardly Working'

In Hardly Working, Jerry Lewis plays a circus clown. He loses his job, along with the other performers, when the circus shuts down in mid-season. He goes through a montage of failed attempts at new jobs, before landing a job working at the post office. Although he still has his clownish moments, he grows into the job, becoming a competent worker. Unwittingly, he’s dating his boss’ daughter. Which causes conflict, that’s eventually resolved


Hardly Working isn’t a bad comedy, but it’s not a great one, either. It frankly needs to be edited down. Parts are very good, and other parts are simply slow, and drag.

Montage of Jobs

  • Auto garage
  • Glass factory
  • Discotheque
  • Cook at a Japanese restaurant.
  • Pharmacy/gift shop
  • Post Office (interview)
  • Dance studio (moonlighting)
  • Post Office (actual job)


Jerry Lewis and the mailbox with a mind of its own in "Hardly Working"
  • The good news is, the various vignettes of the jobs he fails at are both short and funny.
  • Strangling the answering machine over the phone was quite funny.
  • The mailbox with a mind of its own was also quite funny.
  • Accidentally “borrowing” the Goodyear blimp.
  • “Do you have a beer?”
Hardly Working (1980) starring Jerry Lewis, Susan Oliver


  • He repeats the same “clumsy knocking over” routine too many times.
  • The imaginary scene at the disco takes too long, and could be edited out and not missed.
  • The scene with him talking to himself in drag could be cut, and it wouldn’t affect the movie at all.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

Cast of characters

  • Jerry Lewis (The Nutty Professor) … Bo Hooper. Hobo circus clown. He, and the entire circus, are fired in the middle of the season when the circus folds.
  • Susan Oliver (The Disorderly Orderly) … Claire Trent. Bo’s sister, who invites him to live with her family until he gets back on his feet. She keeps finding him job that, despite his best intentions, he’s a failure at.
  • Roger C. Carmel (The Transformers, Star Trek: The Original Series) … Robert Trent. Bo’s hard-to-like brother in law.
  • Deanna Lund (Land of the Giants) … Millie. Bo’s love interest, whom he first meets at the auto garage.
  • Harold J. Stone (The Big Mouth) … Frank Loucazi. Manager at the post office. Unknown to Bo, he’s Millie’s dad.
  • Steve Franken (The Time Travelers) … Steve Torres. Bo’s training partner at the post office.
  • Buddy Lester (The Ladies Man) … Claude Reed
  • Leonard Stone (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) … Ted Mitchell
  • Jerry Lester … Slats
  • Billy Barty (Willow, UHF) … Sammy
  • Alex Henteloff (Star Trek V) … J. Ralling. Interviewer at the Post Office.

Trivia for Hardly working

  • Jerry Lewis’s first theatrical film in nearly a decade. Hardly Working has been described as being Lewis’ “comeback” movie. Lewis performed a number of roles on this film, he was a co-writer, lead actor and director, the penultimate cinema film he directed. Lewis was aged around 55 years and was going through a divorce from his then wife Patti Lewis when this movie was made and released.
  • Final film of Bob May, famous for playing the robot from the TV series Lost in Space. Also the final film of: Harold J. Stone, Susan Oliver, Roger C. Carmel.
  • The clown make-up that Jerry Lewis wears in this movie is the same design that he wore for 3 Ring Circus and The Family Jewels.
  • Jerry Lewis appears in drag in this movie. He plays the ‘Little Ol’ Lady’, billed in the credits as Joseph Levitch. Jerry Lewis’ birth name.
About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson