Here’s Lucy season 3 episode guide

Here's Lucy season 3 episode guide

Buy from Here’s Lucy season 3 episode guide – Lucy Carter (Lucille Ball) continues raising her teenage children, driving her brother-in-law (and boss) Harry nuts!

1. Lucy Meets the Burtons

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in "Lucy Meets the Burtons"

Lucy mistakes actor Richard Burton for a plumber when he dons overalls to evade a throng of women while on his way to have Elizabeth Taylor’s 69 carat ring re-sized. When Lucy finds the ring in Burton’s discarded overalls, tries it on and can’t get it off!

Originally aired September 13, 1970

2. Lucy the Skydiver

Lucy’s children take up motorcycling, so Lucy takes up skydiving in the hopes they’ll give up their dangerous sports. And Uncle Harry wants to cash in on the publicity, to advertise Carter’s Unique Employment Agency!

Originally aired September 20, 1970

3. Lucy and Sammy Davis, Jr.

Lucy nurses Sammy Davis, Jr. after he suffers recurring socks in the nose. Her ubiquitous presence almost halts production of his latest movie.

Originally aired September 27, 1970

4. Lucy and the Drum Contest

Craig makes the finals of a local drum contest only to let his needy competitor take the honors and win a new set of drums.

Originally aired October 4, 1970

5. Lucy the Crusader

Lucy organizes a committee of irate purchasers to protest at a company’s annual stockholder’s meeting, to protest their defective merchandise. With Charles Nelson Reilly

Originally aired October 11, 1970

6. Lucy, the Coed

Lucy and her children are recruited by Uncle Harry to star in his college reunion revue when he is unable to contact theatrically inclined alumni.

Originally aired October 18, 1970

7. Lucy, the American Mother

Lucy is the subject of a revealing documentary filmed by her son Craig, and later by Uncle Harry who sees investment/profit in the venture.

Originally aired October 25, 1970

8. Lucy’s Wedding Party

Lucy uses Uncle Harry’s home for a Greek Wedding Party thinking he’s gone out of town for the weekend, then tries to convince Harry that it’s a surprise birthday party for him. It’s a funny scene, as the Greek grandfather keeps proposing to Lucy!

Originally aired November 1, 1970

9. Lucy Cuts Vincent’s Price

Lucy takes an oil painting to Vincent Price’s home, for the actor’s expert appraisal as an art critic. However, he thinks that she’s there to film a scene in a new horror film, at a horror chamber set in his house!

Originally aired November 8, 1970

10. Lucy, the Diamond Cutter

A skilled Dutch diamond cutter (Wally Cox) uses Lucy’s home as a secret workshop while attempting to split the famed Kasbah diamond. But he keeps getting injured …

Originally aired November 15, 1970

11. Lucy and Jack Benny’s Biography

Lucy & Jack Benny clown the story of Benny’s life from his childhood to the present day. It’s a very funny episode, as they act out the “true” story of Jack Benny’s life. With all of the normal jokes about Jack’s tightwad character.

Originally aired November 22, 1970

12. Lucy and Rudy Vallee

Lucy attempts to modernize Rudy Vallee’s musical presentation and in doing so transforms the crooner into a Rock ‘n Roll sensation. It’s a funny episode, giving Lucy and Lucie a chance to perform with Rudy.

Originally aired November 29, 1970

13. Lucy Loses Her Cool

Lucy becomes the victim of a TV stunt introduced by Art Linkletter and plotted by her children, her best friend and Uncle Harry. It’s a funny episode where Lucy gets pranked repeatedly.

Originally aired December 6, 1970

14. Lucy, Part-Time Wife

Lucy masquerades as Uncle Harry’s pregnant wife to deceive a woman whom Harry expects wants to marry him.

Originally aired December 13, 1970

15. Lucy and Ma Parker

Lucy and her children portray real mobsters in order to assist police in the capture of some dangerous big-time criminals.

Originally aired December 20, 1970

16. Lucy Stops a Marriage

Uncle Harry loses $100,000 when Lucy alienates a rich benefactress. She thinks she’s stopping Harry from marrying for money. But, she stops a wealthy woman from investing in Carter’s Unique Employment Agency!

Originally aired December 27, 1970

17. Lucy’s Vacation

Lucy plots to get two weeks vacation from Uncle Harry who refuses to grant it because Lucy has used up that time on coffee breaks and long lunch hours. Frankly, Harry’s perfectly justified, since she comes to work, leaves early, and takes 2-hour lunch breaks. But …

Originally aired January 4, 1971

18. Lucy and the 20-20 Vision

Lucy’s children want her to take them on a long weekend vacation. But Harry’s more grumpy than usual, and there’s no way he’s going to give her extra time off. Lucy suspects that he needs glasses. But Harry insists he’s too young for glasses! So, Lucy sneaks the eye doctor into the office, pretending to be a sign painter. Soon, Uncle Harry’s sporting new glasses. Then he sees that Lucy has been cheating him on her time cards, and orders her to work the weekend. While he takes Kim & Craig to Mexico!

Originally aired January 11, 1971

19. Lucy and the Raffle

Kim wins a sports car in a raffle – yay! But, she in turn must raffle it off to pay the taxes on it. Boo! Lucy goes to get a permit raffle, and after some comedy in the queue, is told she doesn’t need one. Yay! What the man doesn’t tell her is that a private citizen can’t hold a raffle! The whole affair is against the law and Lucy defends the two of them in court. With hard-nosed Judge William Schallert. Who just sentenced his own mother to prison!

20. Lucy’s House Guest, Harry

Lucy makes the mistake of offering to have Uncle Harry stay with them when his house is being remodeled. After he moves into Lucy’s home, he refuses to help in the slightest way or pay a penny to help pay for the additional groceries. And has a very special list of meals to prepare. And is driving everyone crazy with his early-morning health regimen. So Lucy decides to fight fire with fire …

Originally aired January 24, 1971

21. Lucy and Aladdin’s Lamp

Lucy and Kim think they discover Aladdin’s lamp in a garage sale. Oddly, it seems to make their wishes come true. And Uncle Harry tries to buy or rent it! How does Lucy’s leaky ceiling fit into all of this?

Originally aired January 31, 1971

22. Lucy and Carol Burnett

Lucy and Carol Burnett, both out of work, create the Unemployed Follies to earn a few extra bucks. Richard Deacon also guest stars.

Originally aired February 7, 1971

23. Lucy’s Goes Hawaiian Pt 1

Lucy invites herself aboard the luxurious Hawaii-bound S.S. Lurline passenger liner as assistant to the cruise director – Uncle Harry, and finds herself in competition for the attentions of the captain with passenger/friend Vivian Vance.

Originally aired February 15, 1971

24. Lucy’s Goes Hawaiian Pt 2

Lucy must organize a shipboard talent show on last minute notice, and puts together an inventive revue.

Originally aired February 21, 1971

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Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson