Lucy and the Gold Rush

The entire cast in "Lucy and the Gold Rush" - Here's Lucy, season 1

Lucy and the Gold Rush – Here’s Lucy season 1

Lucy and the Gold Rush begins with Kim and Craig bring home rock samples from a field trip. So Lucy takes one of them, containing fool’s gold, to work as a paperweight. But when someone tells Harry that its real gold, he decides to crack it open and see. This leads to a hilarious silent routine, as he tries to break a piece off!

There’s a very funny scene, when Harry tells Lucy — and wants to be partners. And they haggle over who gets 75%. Eventually, they find their way to where the rock was found, meet the owner of the land, and Harry buys it for $1,000. But the catch is that the gold costs more to produce than than the rewards bring in! Finally, Harry falls into the mine shaft, after demanding Lucy pays for her share of the worthless mine – $300. And Lucy charges him $310 to pull him up!

Cast of characters

  • Philip Bruns (Return of the Living Dead) … J.C.C. Tompkins. The owner of the worthless gold mine. He sells it to “city slickers” …. For the sixth time this year! Because he knows the gold’s worth, $14/ton, but it’ll cost $35/ton to excavate it! After selling it to Harry for $1,000 he’s willing to buy it back next week — for $200! A hilarious performance.
  • Rhodes Reason (King Kong Escapes) … Jeff Simpson. The mining expert who tells Harry that Lucy’s paperweight isn’t fools gold, but the real thing.2
About tom.raymond 1602 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson