Lucy the Fixer – Here’s Lucy season 1
Lucy the Fixer is a hilarious episode! It’s really an excuse for a slowly growing cascade of chaos. It begins with Kim in her high school cheerleader outfit, and Craig is in his football outfit. He’s on the third string squad. Even Lucy knocks him over! Lucy’s planning on attending their game — But Harry calls her to his house to work on a Saturday! Once she arrives, the chaos begins …
Harry’s lamp doesn’t work, so he’ll have to call an electrician first thing Monday morning. Waste money on an electrician? Not while Lucy’s there! It’ll be a very simple thing to fix, probably a loose wire …
And soon, Lucy’s into the wall itself, where she sees a problem with the conduit. And she needs Harry to stick his arm in, since he can reach further, and grab the wires. But, he gets stuck! And when she tries to pull him out, she rips off his coat sleeve! But, Harry’s still stuck. So, she widens the hole, and pulls harder. And Harry loses his other coat sleeve!

The chaos builds fast and furious, until Harry’s living room wall is a shambles. And poor Harry’s not much better. Finally, Kim and Craig come in. Its been three hours, and they’re going to be late for the game! Harry explains the situation, and Craig decides to look at the short with the lamp. “That lamp doesn’t work!” “It does if you plug it in …”. And poor Harry’s about to explode: “Plug It IN!?!” and the episode ends.
A hilarious episode of Here’s Lucy, that has the feel of a classic Laurel and Hardy short.
Cast of characters
- Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy, The Big Street) … Lucy Carter
- Gale Gordon (The Lucy Show, Our Miss Brooks)… Harry Carter
- Lucie Arnaz (Here’s Lucy) … Kim Carter
- Desi Arnaz Jr. (House of the Long Shadows) … Craig Carter