The Lucy Show season 6 episode guide

The Lucy Show season 6

The Lucy Show season 6Lucille Ball‘s classic sitcom’s final season, which goes out with a bang! Guest stars Jack Benny, Robert Goulet, Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, Joan Crawford, and more.

Lucy Meets the Berles

Lucy Meets the Berles - The Lucy Show season 6

In order to earn extra money, Lucy works as a secretary for Milton Berle. But after being star-struck, and finding everything that he say to be hilarious, she accidentally overhears him rehearsing a scene with an actress. And thinks he’s cheating on his wife! So, she “tosses the salad” in a funny bit of prop comedy.

Lucy Gets Trapped

Mary Jane Croft and Lucille Ball in Lucy Gets Trapped - The Lucy Show season 6

Lucy feigns illness to avoid work one day so that she can attend a big department store sale. To her surprise, Lucy ends up winning valuable prizes as the store’s 10-millionth customer! Which includes getting her picture in the next day’s newspaper. So, Lucy goes to great lengths to hide that from Mr. Mooney.

Lucy and the French Movie Star

Lucille Ball and Jacques Bergerac in "Lucy and the French Movie Star"

When a European film company, fronted by a famous French actor, arrives in Los Angeles, Mr. Mooney wants to land the film company’s business at the bank. But when the French actor’s charm — and champagne — destroy Lucy’s savoir-faire, she puts the account in jeopardy. Guest star: Jacques Bergerac.

Lucy and the Starmaker

Frankie Avalon and Lucille Ball in "Lucy and the Starmaker"

Lucy turns talent manager to help a young man (Frankie Avalon) break into show business. His uncle, Mr. Cheever, wants him to learn the banking business, but Lucy arranges an impromptu audition … In the bank lobby!

Lucy Gets Her Diploma

It turns out that Lucy never graduated from high school. So, to keep her job at the bank, she has to go back, finish her final courses, and graduate. But there’s always one bad apple …

Lucy Gets Jack Benny’s Account

Lucille Ball and Jack Benny in "Lucy Gets Jack Benny's Account" - The Lucy Show season 6

When the bank needs new business, Lucy sets out to convince notorious miser Jack Benny to move his money from his underground vault to Mr. Mooney’s bank. First, Mr. Mooney and Lucy must build a bank vault secure enough to satisfy Benny before he will commit to the endeavor. It’s an absolutely hilarious episode, as she demonstrates the insane security measures of their new custom vault!

Little Old Lucy

Little Old Lucy - The Lucy Show season 6

When the 90-year-old President of the bank, Cornelius Heatherington, Jr. (Dennis Day), arrives in town and needs an escort to the bank’s banquet, it is Lucy’s job to fill the post. Lucy soon discovers that, although he is quite old, the elderly President of the bank is still very much interested in the opposite sex.

Lucy and Robert Goulet

Lucy and Robert Goulet - The Lucy Show season 6

When truckdriver Chuck Willis is turned down for a loan at the bank, Lucy notices Chuck’s remarkable resemblance to Robert Goulet, and becomes determined to help him win a look-alike contest to earn some cash for himself. To accomplish her mission, Lucy enlists Mr. Mooney as her photographer.

Lucy Gets Mooney Fired

So Lucy tries to cover up a $0.48 shortfall at the bank, by adding coin change to the till. But when the actual money is found, the bank’s now over — and Mr. Cheever fires Mr. Mooney! So Lucy, inspired by the movie Gaslight, decides to drive Mr. Cheever mad … as part of her scheme to get Mooney re-hired.

Lucy’s Mystery Guest

Lucy’s Aunt Agatha (Mary Wickes) arrives for a visit. She’s a health “enthusiast” who’s exhausting Lucy, and starving her with “health” foods.

Lucy, the Philanthropist

Mooney believes that a hobo (Frank McHugh) is a philanthropist in disguise.

Lucy Sues Mooney

A slick lawyer (Jack Carter) persuades Lucy to sue Mr. Mooney.

Lucy and the Pool Hustler

A pool hustler (Dick Shawn) disguises himself and takes on Lucy in a woman’s tournament.

Lucy and Carol Burnett: Part 1

Lucy and Carol Burnett become flight attendant trainees. But Carol has a fear of heights …

Lucy and Carol Burnett: Part 2

as part of their graduation ceremony, Lucy and Carol Burnett do a musical salute to aviation. Richard Arlen and Buddy Rogers appear together for the first time since 1927 (Wings). Mr. Mooney is “persuaded” to act in the musical as well.

Lucy and Viv Reminisce

Viv and Lucy recall their misadventures via flashbacks. A clip show.

Lucy Gets Involved

Mr. Burton (Jackie Coogan) chewing out Lucille Ball in "The Lucy Show" episode, "Lucy Gets Involved"

Lucy moonlights as a waitress at a drive-in restaurant. After breaking her television set. And then breaking Mr. Mooney’s loaned set as well! While there, she tries to help a young man accused of stealing and stripping cars. With Jackie Coogan, as the suffering drive-in manager. Her daughter, Lucie Arnaz, has a small role at the drive-in restaurant as well

Mooney’s Other Wife

To escape the snare of an infatuated woman (Edie Adams), Mooney lets Lucy pose as his wife and paint him as a regular Simon Legree.

Lucy and the Stolen Stole

Mr. Mooney and Lucy land in jail for possessing a stolen fur coat. With Buddy Hackett.

Lucy and Phil Harris

It’s up to Lucy to start a tippling, has-been songwriter (Phil Harris) on the road to a comeback.

Lucy Helps Ken Berry

Lucy Helps Ken Berry - finale, with Lucille Ball & Gale Gordon

Ken needs a loan extension, for his dance studio. But, Mr. Mooney turns him down as a poor risk. So, soft-hearted Lucy decides to help …

Lucy and the Lost Star

Vivian is visiting her old friend Lucy. But, her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. They walk to the nearest house — it’s Joan Crawford’s! And they wrongly think she needs financial help …

Lucy and Sid Caesar

Sid Caesar has a problem with a look-alike forger. So, he enlists the help of Mr. Mooney and Lucy to trap his doppelgänger. But Lucy keeps catching the real Sid by mistake!

Lucy and ‘The Boss of the Year’ Award

Mr. Mooney wants his boss, Mr. Cheever, to be promoted …. So that Mooney can become the president of the bank. So he writes a fawning letter for the “Boss of the Year” contest. But Lucy does the same, hoping to replace Mr. Mooney!

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson