Cantiflas (2014)
Cantiflas is a movie biography of Mario Moreno, the famous Mexican clown, Cantiflas. There are a few things that should be said up front about the movie Cantiflas.
- It’s in Spanish, with English subtitles (at least on the Amazon Prime version). As a rule, I don’t like subtitled movies, with a few exceptions. Gojira, M. I’m adding Cantiflas to that list.
- The target audience is Hispanic, Mexican, Spanish-speaking people. I’m probably not the target audience. I’m neither Mexican, nor fluent in Spanish. Mi Español es muy malo. I enjoyed it anyway.
- Before watching, I already knew a little about Cantiflas, the Mexican Charlie Chaplin. I enjoyed him very much in Around the World in 80 Days, as well as in Pepe. Although the latter film needs to be edited down heavily.
- The acting is wonderful. I enjoyed the costuming, cinematography, etc. as well.
- The movie keeps jumping between 1955 and Michael Todd trying to get Around the World in 80 Days produced, and Cantiflas’ earlier life. Some people may dislike that, but I had no problem with it.
- I often say that one thing that Hollywood does poorly are biographies. That’s still true here. It’s an enjoyable film, but I wouldn’t quote it as an authentic source.
- One negative is that most of the actors portraying 1950’s celebrities in the film don’t look anything the actual people. Yul Brinner is a non-descript bald man. Elizabeth Taylor, although lovely, doesn’t look much like the actual Elizabeth Taylor.
- One exception that I’ll make is the actor playing the elderly Charlie Chaplin. His character becomes quite crucial later on, as well.
- One other negative is that the film ends after Cantiflas wins the Best Actor Golden Globe. The audience is left with the impression that he went on to have a successful Hollywood career. Which didn’t happen. After the failure of Pepe at the box office, he returned to Mexico, where he made the vast majority of his films.
Editorial review of Cantiflas courtesy of Amazon.com
Cantinflas (Mario Moreno Reyes) is beloved throughout the Spanish-speaking world and is considered by many to be the Mexican Charlie Chaplin. This biopic traces his life as a young entertainer, who struggles to become a star in Mexico, while Broadway producer, Mike Todd, struggles to make Around the World in 80 Days in the U.S. A twist of fate brings the two together and they go on to win the Oscar for Best Picture.