Salt Water Daffy

Salt Water Daffy (1933) starring Jack Haley, Shemp Howard

In Salt Water Daffy, Jack Haley’s best friend Shemp Howard is a kleptomaniac! After stealing a naval officer’s precious watch, they run from the police, into a recruiting station, and unwillingly join the Navy! Then …

Salt Water Daffy (1933) starring Jack Haley, Shemp Howard

Salt Water Daffy is an entertaining Vitaphone short, with Jack Haley and Shemp Howard

Recruiting station

Jack and Shemp don’t want to enlist, so they try to get out of it by pretending to be near-sighted and deaf. Which almost works, but the Chief Petty Officer (CPO) happens to be there … The doctor’s ready to dismiss them both, when the CPO throws a silver dollar on the floor. They both hear it, see, where it landed, and jump for it! They’r in the Navy now …

Drill routine

Both Jack and Shemp are comically inept, though not maliciously so. And drive the drill sergeant — their CPO — to distraction.

Clown drill routine in Salt Water Daffy - "Here's your hat, Elmer"
Clown drill routine in Salt Water Daffy – “Here’s your hat, Elmer”

Shaving the wrong people

Trying to minimize the damage the duo can do, the CPO assigns them to shaving the heads of new recruits. Unfortunately, the telephone repair man walks in, and they take him for a recruit! And a Count has arrived on the base, to study American naval tactics. And he nearly gets his head shaved as well!

A token of our esteem

Having shaved the wrong man — them seemingly having shaved the Count! — Jack and Shemp are in trouble. And they try to lessen it by giving the (stolen) watch to the CPO as a token of their affection! Which the Captain recognizes later on, and then recognizes the two thieves! But before that happens …

Jack Haley and Shemp Howard try to bribe CPO Lionel Stander with "a token of our esteem" - the watch they stole from the Captain!

Garbage detail

The Count is actually an imposter — a spy. He’s trying to take photographs of the military installation, when he’s accidentally prevented — and captured — by Shemp and Jack.

Jack Haley taking a photo of his pal Shemp Howard - with the spy's camera! in Salt Water Daffy
Jack Haley taking a photo of his pal Shemp Howard – with the spy’s camera!

KP duty

In the end, sailors Jack Haley and Shemp Howard get their just desserts - peeling a mountain of potatoes in KP duty!
In the end, sailors Jack Haley and Shemp Howard get their just deserts – peeling a mountain of potatoes in KP duty!

Cast of characters

Additional Cast


  • Abbott and Costello’s Buck Privates borrows the set-up (running away, accidentally signing up for the military) and drill routine from Salt Water Daffy (1933). Shemp appeared in both.
  • Elmer Wagonbottom says, “Whadda ya want for $30 a month? Perfection?” In 2022, that would equate to about $650.
  • This is one of director Ray McCarey‘s earlier efforts. He previously had directed primarily documentaries, although he had directed both Our Gang and Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy by this time.
About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson