Whiter than Snow [clown ministry skit]

Whiter than Snow, free clown skit, courtesy of Steve Conley dealing with sin, hyssop and cleansing
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Whiter than Snow, a clown skit for 2, courtesy of Steve Conley, dealing with sin, hyssop, and cleansing

(originally posted to the Clown Ministry group at http://groups.yahoo.com)
(Some lines of this skit may not be appropriate for children. Just leave those lines out)
(Clown enters stage with a bucket, soap and brush. Sets the bucket down takes soap and begins rubbing. Takes the brush and starts scrubbing. Another clown off to the side notices what is going on…)
Clown 1: Excuse me but might I ask you what you are doing?
Clown 2: Cleansing and washing, cleansing and washing.
Clown 1: May I ask why?
Clown 2: Sure.
(Clowns look at each other)
Clown 1: May I ask why?
Clown 2: I said sure!
Clown 1: Why?!
Clown 2: Well I was reading palms…
Clown 1: So your a palm reader?
Clown 2: No. I was reading palms in the Bible.
Clown 1: You mean Psalms.
Clown 2: Palms. You left out the “P”.
Clown 1: The “P” is quiet.
Clown 2: Okay. P-alms (say the “P” quietly and “alms” loudly).
Clown 1: No I mean the “P” is silent.
Clown 2: Listen if you have come up here to start trouble you can just…
Clown 1: No that’s not what I’m trying to do. The proper pronunciation of P-S-A-L -M-S is psalms. Say it as if you were leaving the “P” off.
Clown 2: (looks funny at Clown 1) You just can’t pretend that the “P” is not there!
Clown 1: Okay, never mind. Please continue with your story.
Clown 2: I was reading palms when I came across in palm 51 verse 7 it says, “Cleanse me with his soap, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow”.
Clown 1: Hyssop.
Clown 2: What?
Clown 1: It’s called hyssop, not his soap.
Clown 2: What’s hyssop? Could you scrub my back? I can’t reach it.
Clown 1: Sure. (Clown 1 stands behind Clown 2 but where the audience can see. Clown 2 might bend over slightly). Hyssop is a plant that was used to sprinkle water or blood for religious cleansing. You can also prepare it as an infusion. Hyssop will soothe colic. Do you have colic?
Clown 2: No I don’t have a cow lick. My hair is fine.
Clown 1: Not cow lick, it’s colic! Colic is mostly associated with infants and stomach pain. Does your tummy hurt?
Clown 2: No, I don’t think so.
Clown 1: Hyssop can also improve digestion and eliminate flatulence.
(Clown 1 and Clown 2 both look up at the audience in alarm or panic. Clown 2 kicks Clown 1 out of the way)
Clown 1: What the big idea?
Clown 2: Nothing! What?
Clown 1: Hyssop is also an excellent nerve tonic which I need right about now.
Clown 2: Well that’s great and everything but I need to be cleansed where I can be whiter than snow.
Clown 1: Psalm 51 was a prayer of repentance from King David after Nathan came to him and confronted David of his sins. Like David we can make that prayer our own Prayer. Our hearts can be black with sin and there can be absolutely nothing that we can do about the darkness dwelling inside of us. But Jesus has already taken care of that, He died on the cross, He shed his blood. Jesus gave up His life, all we have to do is say “I believe in you Jesus, forgive me for my sins.” Only then will our hearts be whiter than snow.
Clown 2: So what we are really saying is, ” Wash me in your washing powder of forgiveness and I’ll come out clean, scrub me with the brush of grace and I’ll have a snow-white life.”
Clown 1: That pretty much sums it up right there.
Clown 2: Speaking of scrubbing I believe you missed a spot right here (pointing to back).
Clown 1: (Grabs scrub brush) I’ll show you where there’s a spot missing!
(Clown 1 chases Clown 2 off stage)
(This skit would be a good opportunity for slapstick. You have a bucket, a scrub brush with a long handle if so desired. Lots of ideas come to mind)
Copyright 2002 by Steve Conley. Performing rights only.

About tom.raymond 1602 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson