No More Clown Kids Jumping on the Bed

Two little kids jumping on the bed
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No More Clown Kids Jumping on the Bed! – a free clown skit, courtesy of Pookie the Clown

Emily: Good evening ladies and gentleman. Tonight the Foster clown family will be performing for you. I will need your participation when I tell you. (Disclaimer: No clowns were harmed during the reading of the following scene….)
Mama clown and three boys are standing by the bed.
She pulls out the jumbo toothbrushes and they all brush their teeth and then she tucks them into bed.
Mama: Good night sweet clown boys, now remember, NO jumping on the bed tonight!
Boys: Good night Mama!
(Mama clown goes to sit on the other side of the stage)
(the boys start jumping)
(at this point Kian will probably not be cooperative and my Mom will come up to the stage to get him off.)
Emily: (in your own words) Pardon us folks, we have to use the baby’s stunt double!
(a baby doll is brought to the stage and onto the bed in place of Kian. While you go into the start of the poem, you or someone else can manually make the baby doll “jump” on the bed and then fall off and bump his head. Leave the baby doll on the ground. )
Emily: Three little clown kids jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head, (shout out “bump” Mama sees baby doll on the ground and picks him up and then picks up the phone)
Mama called the Dr. and the Dr. said…
(in a very feminine voice) No more clown kids jumping on tha….
(hear Stephen clearing his throat to get your attention, you look back at him, he motions to you to lower your voice, you repeat the line and in a lower voice say), “No more clown kids jumping on the bed!” (adjust your voice lower a couple of times and look back at him for his “approval” till you get it right)
(Mama clown leaves the bedroom)
(Boys start jumping)
Emily: Two little clown kids jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head, (Shout out “bump”) (Mama clown comes into the room and sees Casey on the ground and then picks up the phone)
Mama called the Dr. and the Dr. said, (ask the audience what the Dr. said, get them to say it with you) No more clown kids jumping on the bed! (say this a little bit louder and firmer than the first time)
Two little kids jumping on the bed(Mama clown and Casey leaves the bedroom)
(Mikah starts jumping on the bed)
Emily: One little clown kid jumping on the bed, he fell off and bumped his head, (Shout out “bump”) (Mama clown comes into the room and sees Mikah on the ground and then picks up the phone)
Mama called the Dr. and the Dr. said, (ask the audience to say it with you) NO MORE CLOWN BOYS JUMPING ON THE BED! (really make your voice deep and loud for this one!)
(Mama clown and Mikah walk off, I run back onto the bed and yell…)
Mama: Weeeee!!!!!!!!!! Now I can jump on the bed!
(I jump a couple of times and then I fall off)
Mama: (in my voice) I think I broke my funny bone!
Emily and Doctor: (both face Mama clown with a stern look and shaking your fingers at me) NO MORE CLOWN KIDS JUMPING ON THE BED!
The End
(We all come out and take a bow)

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson