Red Skelton – Russian Roulette skit

Red Skelton - Russian Roulette skit
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Red Skelton – Russian Roulette skit

Red Skelton – Russian Roulette – A very funny skit from the Red Skelton TV Show.  A pantomime of two cowboys in the American Old West, trying to resolve their differences via Russian Roulette.  Red performs both parts (alternating between a white hat and a black hat to show to the audience which role he’s playing), while a narrator tells the story.

(Editor’s note: I would consider this an ‘adult’ skit – by which I don’t mean that it’s over 21 years old 🙂 It’s simply the sort of thing that I wouldn’t perform for young children, although teenagers and older will roll in the aisle laughing).

About tom.raymond 1602 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson