Tis Not the Season

Tis Not the Season - a parody of Deck the Halls
Clipart d'arbre de Noël stylisé
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‘Tis not the season
(To the tune of em>Deck The Halls”)
‘Tis the season to be greedy!
Fa la la la la, La la la la!
Treat ourselves, forget the needy!
Fa la la la la, La la la la!
Charging gifts with wild abandon!
Fa la la la la, La la la la!
Credit limits not withstandin’!
Fa la la la la, La la la la!
Sing we now the spendthrift’s carol!
Fa la la la la, La la la la!
Buying presents by the barrel!
Fa la la la la, La la la la!
Throwing parties, being merry!
Fa la la la la, La la la la!
‘Till bills come in January!
Fa la la la la, La la la la!
Thanks to Mary Campbell
Courtesy of Best Clean Funny Jokes

About tom.raymond 1602 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson