special Clown-Ministry.com mailing (05/28/2004)

Subject: special Clown-Ministry.com mailing (05/28/2004)

As long-time recipients of the newsletter will remember, the last year has not been a good one (financially) for my family. After being unemployed for over 6 months, and then finding a temporary position, I’ve again been unemployed since the end of March. Lack of income has come to a head, and I am now facing the specter of the bank foreclosing on my mortgage if I don’t have over $2,400 by the end of June.

So, what’s a person to do? I’m (not surprisingly) trying to do more clowning (which has not been my primary income — an unemployed computer geek by trade), and am having some additional revenue from that, but not enough.

I’m in prayer, remembering that God is still on His throne, that He will provide all my needs, not a sparrow can fall without His knowledge, and all of the other promises.

In addition, I’m making my need known to my brothers & sisters in Christ. I’ve been operating the Clown Ministry web site for quite a while (since 1996), and I hope and pray that it has been and continues to be a blessing to God’s people, in spreading the Gospel, and in edifying the saints.

The Gospel is free, as is the web site. The web site, regardless of what happens, will continue to operate as it always has — there will be no monthly fees, or “premium” areas available to subscribers, etc.

I am asking that, if you are able, if you feel that the Lord has blessed you through the site, and (MOST importantly) if you feel that it’s what the Lord Jesus would have you to do, to donate a dollar to help me out of the hole that I find myself in.

You see, this weekly newsletter goes out to over 1,550 people at this point — if everyone were to give one dollar, I would be able to cover the rest. (You can see a donation button at the top right hand section of most pages)

It goes without saying that some people will not give a dollar, and others will give more — but I’m asking a dollar. Please note that I’m not a non-profit organization, not doing the web site via some church affiliation, and so there’s no tax deduction. I’m just a guy, trying to apply his knowledge for God’s glory.

Thanks for listening. In advance, my thanks to everyone who can and will donate. If you can’t, or if you simply don’t think it’s what the Lord wants you to do, that’s OK too — we love you just the same :o)

Tom Raymond
“Clowns work like aspirin, only faster” — Groucho Marx

About tom.raymond 1602 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson