Saving your Funny Stuff

Saving your Funny Stuff

Funny ideas do not stick to me like flypaper. I will think of something funny. Then, if I do not record it, it will be gone in five minutes. Forgotten. So I have devised some systems to keep my funny lines so that I can put them to use in the future. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Your power memory. When driving in my car, clipped my visor is a small digital recorder. It records only 90 seconds. Just enough to save a gem and force me to write it down later.
  2. Jot it and drop it. I recommend setting up a file system for your ideas. You may have a folder for family humor, workplace humor, hobby humor, sports humor, roast humor. The files will be different for everyone. Examine your life and what interests you. Set up folders for those areas where your saved ideas might be useful in the future. For example if you do sales presentations, you might have a file for each different presentation you make. If you are a teacher, perhaps a file for each subject you teach. If you are a speaker, a file for each talk you give. If you are writing a book, a file for each chapter perhaps. Then when you get an idea, jot it on a scrap of paper and drop it into the folder. If you find an article related to the subject, file it for future use.
  3. Be a librarian. Set up a card file box or computerized system to save your best lines. I set up a three by five card file system to save joke lines by category. Roast lines, marriage lines, children lines, etc. When I need something, say for a roast, I pull the card files and quickly sort through the categories that might apply. Then with a small pack of cards to work with, I have something to get me started writing my script.
  4. Go shopping. Check out your local office supply store for saver system ideas. One item I’ve used is called the Scan Card System which displays three by three cards for keeping track of ideas and projects. When you are on the lookout for a system you may stumble onto the latest new innovation in saver technology.
  5. Link the chain. Use a memory system to save your funny ideas. Sometimes I am in a situation where it is inconvenient or inappropriate to write something down. I will use a memory link technique (see The Memory Book by Harry Lorayne) to link one idea to the next. Then when it is OK to write things down, I quickly jot my ideas on paper.
  6. Use your head. Often times I will get an idea for a humorous monologue and will simply save the “seed idea” in my head. Then, often for months, I will let is simmer on the back burner, letting my subconscious mind work on the idea. Eventually I will set up my file system to permanently capture my ideas. But early on, using my brain as a crock pot, to let the seed ideas stew, works great for me.

Copyright 2005 by John Kinde
By John Kinde, Motivational Humorist from Las Vegas, NV.
(702) 263-4363

About tom.raymond 1602 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson