Convict 13

Lobby card for "Convict 13" featuring Buster Keaton, Sybil Seely, and a *lot* of prison guards!

In Convict 13, golfer Buster Keaton is mugged by an escaped convict, who swaps clothes with him. And Buster’s taken to prison! And facing the death penalty!

Convict 13 (1920) starring Buster Keaton, Sybil Seely, Joe Roberts

[first title card]
Title card: Golf – the game that brings out the beast in men.

In short, Convict 13 is a very funny Buster Keaton silent short film. He goes from the golf course, to the hangman’s noose, to the Warden’s right-hand man. And back to the golf course?

Hangman: [to the disappointed convicts, after the hanging goes wrong] Sorry, boys. We’ll fix it and tomorrow we’ll hang two of you to make up for this.

Comedy highlights

  • Buster, golfing, tries to find his ball when it’s fallen into a pond.
    • Searching fish to see if they’ve swallowed it! And following the Rule of Three, he finds it!
  • Back on the golf course, he manages to knock himself unconscious! Giving the escaped convict the opportunity to switch clothes with him.
  • Buster, now in the prisoner’s uniform, trying to escape from the guards is hilarious! Especially as they’re marching down the road in formation.
  • And he “escapes” right into the prison! Where he’s supposed to be hanged today!

In Prison

Publicity photo of Buster Keaton & Joe Roberts working on the rock pile in "Convict 13"
Publicity photo of Buster Keaton & Joe Roberts working on the rock pile
  • There, he meets again the lovely young lady from the golf course — the Warden’s daughter! But she has an idea on how to save him from hanging …
  • Which works! His “hanging” is like dangling from a bungee cord! So instead, he’s working on the rock pile …
  • Where he unintentionally knocks a guard unconscious! And then does the same clothes-swapping routine with the guard.
  • In a hilarious scene, he stops an insanely strong prisoner from escaping!

Prison riot

  • For his work, Buster’s promoted to Assistant Warden. Just in time for a massive prison riot!
  • The same crazed prisoner kidnaps the Warden’s daughter. And the other guards are overpowered. But not Buster!
  • He fashions a long bolo from exercise equipment, and manages to subdue most of the prisoners! And the Warden’s daughter holds a rifle on the crazed prisoner!

Cast of characters

Convict 13 (1920) starring Buster Keaton, Sybil Seely, Joe Roberts


About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson