Swede Johnson photo gallery

Swede Johnson “salutes”
Swede Johnson “salutes”

Swede Johnson photo gallery, famous circus clown and animal trainer. After coming to the United States, Swede took the first job that he could find – as a rodeo clown, afterward becoming a circus clown. He then had a long career in the circus, working at different times and circuses as clown, animal trainer, and other things. Some of the circuses that he performed in include the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey, Bradley & Benson Circus & Rodeo, C. R. Montgomery Circus, Elks Circus, Shrine Circus, Biller Brothers, Rogers Brothers, Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus, Paul A. Miller shopping center circus.

Many of these photos are courtesy of the Clown Hall of Fame – they have our thanks.

About tom.raymond 1606 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson