But I Only Have

But I Only Have … (a skit for 2 or more speaking clowns, original by Tom Raymond, dealing with giving your two cents to the needy
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But I Only Have … (a skit for 2 or more speaking clowns, original by Tom Raymond/Raynbow the Clown)

(the skit begins with Clown 1 & Clown 2 in the foreground — Clown 1 has a wheelbarrow with a few apples in it)

Clown 1: (enters pushing a wheelbarrow with a few apples, or a bushel basket, etc.) It’s all I have to offer…
Clown 2: Wow, you look lower than a mole’s shoeprint! What’s wrong?
Clown 1: (sigh) Well, you know how the Pastor wants us to give food to help the needy?
Clown 2: Sure!
Clown 1: Well, all I have to share is a few apples! What good are they?
Clown 2: (also sad now) Yes, I know what you mean — all I have are some potatoes (pulls out a small bag of potatoes, places them in the wheelbarrow) — that’s not much, is it?
(a small procession of clowns, or kids, or just plain folks come across the stage, each dropping in their small offering – a loaf of bread, a few onions, a single package of hot dogs, etc. — each mentioning that it’s not much, and then standing along the back of the stage facing the audience)
Clown 1: Sure is too bad we don’t have much to offer hungry people (looks at the now-overflowing wheelbarrow, does a double-take) Wow! Where’d all this food comes from?
(all together) ‘cuz I didn’t have much to offer!

The End

About tom.raymond 1598 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson