Grudges and Garbage

Grudges and Garbage – a skit for 2 speaking clowns, typically a white face and an auguste, although any 2 clowns would do, dealing with being kind to one another and treating others the way we want to be treated
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Grudges and Garbage – a skit for 2 speaking clowns, typically a white face and an auguste, although any 2 clowns would do, dealing with being kind to one another and treating others the way we want to be treated

(props required: a trash can or bag, filled with crumpled paper and any other ‘garbage’ you like; a series of signs, labeled ‘Grudge’ ‘Hurt Feelings’ ‘Anger’ etc.)
(Clown 1 stands waiting in the middle of the stage, pantomiming waiting. Next to him is the trash can, already filled. Clown 2 enters from the side)
Clown 1: (looks up, sees Clown 2 entering) Clown 2! (they walk over, and do a clownish handshake) I’ve been waiting for you! Are you ready to go?
Clown 2: Sure thing! (looks past Clown 1, sees garbage can, does a quick ‘take’) Why do you have a garbage can in your living room?
Clown 1: (turns back towards the garbage) Oh, that’s where I keep all of my garbage!
Clown 2: (reactingKeep all of your garbage? (walks over to garbage can, standing behind it)
Clown 1: Oh, sure! I keep my old drawings, banana peels, empty cans, whatever!
Clown 2: (possibly pulling one or more of those items out as Clown 1 describes them, mugging for the audience) But why?
Clown 1: Oh, people hold onto garbage for lots of reasons! For example, some people hold on to grudges! You know, when you remember when somebody did something wrong to you, and instead of forgiving, you hold onto those hurt feelings?
Clown 2: (As Clown 1 describes grudges, pulls a large card out of front pocket, or vest, etc. labelled grudge, looks at Clown 1) You mean like when you hit me in the face with a cream pie? And I never really forgave you?
Clown 1: Yes! Just like that. (looks sad, ashamed, face down – still facing audience, not seeing Clown 2 holding onto the ‘grudge’) Um, I really am sorry about that …
Grudges and Garbage – a skit for 2 speaking clowns, typically a white face and an auguste, although any 2 clowns would do, dealing with being kind to one another and treating others the way we want to be treatedClown 2: (putting the ‘grudge’ in the garbage, looking out at the audience, visually feeling better for having forgiven Clown 1) I forgive you.
Clown 1: (looking up, visually feeling better for having been forgiven) Thanks! Hey, we should get going before we’re late!
Clown 2: (picking up his side of the garbage can) Yes! Help me carry this out, will you?
Clown 1: (confused, but comes over to help regardless) But why?
Clown 2: (as they walk off-stage) because there are some things that you just need to get rid of!

About tom.raymond 1603 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson