Out of this world – a skit for two speaking clowns, about how to reach Jesus – and how not to!
Editor’s note: I was contacted by someone who was looking for a clown skit for a Sunday School drive with an outer space theme – so here’s Out of This World! I hope you enjoy it!
Clown 1 is on stage, building a ‘rocket ship’ out of cardboard boxes. Clown 2 walks by and notices.
Clown 2: What are you making?
Clown 1: I’m making a spaceship!
(Clown 2 surveys the scattered tools, etc.) It looks more like you’re making a mess! Why are you making a spaceship?
Clown 1: Well, in my Sunday School class, they told us about how, after Jesus rose from the dead, he visited his friends, and then he flew away to the heavens.
Clown 2: Yes, we know that story (to the audience) Don’t we?
Clown 1: Well, I’m building a rocket ship so I can visit him!
Clown 2: (starts walking off) That’s nice, tell Him I said hi … (realizes, comes to a halt) Wait a minute!
Clown 1: (looks up from working on his ‘rocket’) What?
Clown 2: That won’t work! You can’t get to Heaven in a rocket ship! (you could work in the children’s hymn ”You can’t get to Heaven …” if that would work for you—be sure to “clown around” with the lyrics – a good opportunity for prop comedy)
Clown 2: Don’t you know that Jesus is returning for His friends? And that’s why we have to tell all of our friends about Him, so they don’t miss out!
Clown 1: But how can I tell them? I’m only a clown …
(a natural point to have the Children’s Pastor come up and explain to the children how they need to invite their friends to learn about Jesus, so they’re friends don’t get left behind)
Let me know what you think!