The Spirit is Willing – a skit for two clowns, teaching about temptation and being prepared — also about self-righteousness — original by Raynbow D. Clown
Clown 1, Clown 2 walk on stage, possibly holding a sign with the verse (Mark 14:38 ~ “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”)
Clown 1: Today, we’re here to teach about temptation
Clown 2: [sanctimoniously] Yes, for all you weak people out there!
Clown 1: [turns head towards Clown 2, does a ‘take’] Pardon me?
Clown 2: You know, for those weak people who give in to temptation! Not like me!
Clown 1: [disbelieving] Uh-huh… well, let’s start with the verse [displays sign, writes in on the chalkboard, or whatever medium] “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation…”
Clown 2: Pray hard!
Clown 1: “The spirit is willing, but the body is weak…”
Clown 2: See! That’s what comes from drinking!
Clown 1: [turning towards Clown 2] What are you talking about?
Clown 2: Well, alcohol is also called spirits, right?
Clown 1: Well, yes…
Clown 2: Well, if you’re willing to drink spirits, it’s no wonder your body is weak!
Clown 1: Um, that’s not really what it…
Clown 2: For those weak people, of course, who give into temptation! Not like me!
Clown 1: [exasperated] Just a minute! Do you remember that bowl of jelly beans you ate last night?
Clown 2: Yes?
Clown 1: You ate the whole bowl, even though you knew it would make you sick, right?
Clown 2: Well, yes… and boy, was I sick!
Clown 1: Now, you knew that was wrong, didn’t you?
Clown 2: Well, sure, but they looked soooo good!
Clown 1: So, your spirit was willing to do the right thing, but your body was weak, and you ate the jellybeans anyway?
Clown 2: [getting bashful] Well, yes, I suppose so…
Clown 1: So, maybe you should have prayed earlier, so you wouldn’t have fallen into temptation! Since your spirit was willing to do what God wanted, even though your body was weak?
Clown 2: (as the previous was spoken, Clown 2 gets smaller and smaller, scrunching down with each phrase — answers weakly) yes…
Clown 1: Come on — you need to learn to pray before you get tempted.
Clown 2: OK… can I have some more jelly beans?
[ends with a chase off-stage]