How do I start clowning tutorial – inexpensive clown shoes
This is simply a short article expanding on the advice from last time about cheap clown shoes. “Again, advice from Turk Pipkin – feel free to pick up some ordinary sneakers and either 1) color them with acrylic paint – they’re no bigger, but they’re definitely clown shoes now, or 2) glue them inside a pair of size 18 shoes! That way, you get to wear a comfortable pair, and still look ‘clownish.'” )
is now selling shoes on-line – so, you can find a pair of size 18 shoes (like the one from Converse pictured here) for under $50 dollars. If you’re going to do that, I recommend that you buy a comfortable pair of sneakers, or canvas shoes, to put inside, and glue them inside the size 20 shoes. If you really want a clownish twist, you can put the normal-size right foot shoe into the size 20 left foot shoe, & vice versa. That way, when you wear them, you’re comfortable, but it looks like your shoes are reversed.
Or, get two pair, in 2 different colors – put the blue shoe on your left foot, the red shoe on your right (or whatever colors). That way, when asked, you can always tell folks that you’ve got another pair at home just like them. (I borrow this idea from Cooky the Clown from WGN-TV’s long-running Bozo the Clown show).
If you’re of a mind, don’t forget some of the clown dealers. Again, I recommend that (if you’re fortunate enough to have one locally) you develop a good relationship with your dealer. The good advice is worth triple the cost of the merchandise. And don’t be afraid to develop that same relationship with a mail-order or online dealer as well; I owe major kudos to PeeWee at ClownCostumes.com for her help.
Final advice: clothes may make the man, but it’s the heart that makes the clown. If your costume is imperfect, don’t sweat it too much — it can be improved over time. Work on letting the inside come out.
Next time, we’ll leave costuming behind and start to talk about the various “things” you can do as a clown. See you then!