Bev Bergeron, Rebo the magic clown

Rebo the clown, portrayed by Bev Bergeron

Beverly “Rebo” Bergeron ( December 29, 1930 – December 3, 2020)

Everyone has seen a clown twisting a single balloon into a dog — but who did it first? The answer, unsurprisingly, is Bev Bergeron, in 1959. But he first came to national prominence a year earlier, in 1958, when he created Rebo the Clown to co-star with Mark Wilson and Nani Darnelle in the television series, Magic Circus and the Magic Land of Allakazam. Rebo was always, and continues to this day, to be a “magical” clown.

Bev Bergeron, on the cover of The Linking Ring, the magician's magazine

Magic Awards

In addition to being a clown, Bev Bergeron is a world-famous magician, with numerous awards including the Lifetime Achievement Fellowship Award given by the Academy of Magic Arts and Sciences in Hollywood, California. He also was elected to the Society of American Magicians Hall of Fame in 1992, and was elected as President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians in 1996. He continued working publicly at Sea World of Florida doing 5 shows a day.

Videos and other

The Magical Land of Alakazam, with Rebo, Mark Wilson, Nani Darnell

Because of Rebo’s beginnings on television, much of his work is available on videotape at — and, luckily for us, many videos samples are available there to be freely viewed as well. Rebo has done several videos on clowning (Rebo Red Nose clowning, which is a short tape I recommend), as well as several books, which are all available at Mark Wilson’s site, or Rebo’s own site,

Last walkaround

Today, the magic world, and “The Magic Land of Allakazam” has lost another of its treasures… everyone’s beloved friend, Bev. “Rebo” Bergeron. Nani and I shared many years of our lives with Bev starting back in the early days in Dallas Texas. Walter “Zaney” Blaney actually introduced us in the mid 50’s. That’s when Bev became Rebo, the character he would perfect during the Allakazam series.

Bev had an unfaltering dedication to wholesome family magic and to bring joy to his audiences. That’s why Rebo was not only loved by children around the world, but also by Nani and I. We spoke with him just the other day, reminiscing about Walter, and when we were all young. His passing is so sad, but we are confident he’s in good hands with God, and able to share his stories and adventures with his friends that left before him. We truly shared a lifetime of friendship with Bev and send Alouise our love and sincere condolences.

Mark Wilson, on Bev Bergeron’s Facebook page


  •  Portrayed Ronald McDonald in the McDonald’s television commercials from 1966 to 1968.
About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson