Bill "Boom-Boom" Baily (1917 – 1990)

Bill "Boom-Boom" Baily

Bill "Boom-Boom" BailyBill began clowning while still in high school. For over seven years he appeared in his tramp character on the Sealtest Big Top and Mark’s Magic Midwest television shows, broadcast by local stations in New Jersey. He appeared on live television programs on CBS, NBC, and ABC including guest appearances on the Mike Douglas Show and Pixanna Show. Bill was an original member of Clowns of America when it was founded in 1967 and held membership number 81. He was named the U.S. Chairman of National Clown Week. Bill convinced Congressman Garmatz of Maryland and Congressman Myers of Indiana to introduce a joint resolution in Congress establishing National Clown Week as an annual event. He lobbied congress and organized a visit by clowns to the senate building in Washington, D.C. The joint resolution was signed into law by President Nixon on August 2, 1971. Bill remained National Clown Week Chairman for Clowns of America and Clown of America International until his death. Bill taught several eight-week courses in clowning at Dundalk Community College, Maryland. He also created the “Art of Clowning”, the first clown school syllabus used by the Clowns of America. Bill served as President of Clowns of America from 1974-1978. Even though he was confined to a wheelchair by a stroke in 1977, he continued clowning.

 Bill “Boom-Boom” Baily  was inducted into the 1996 Clown Hall of Fame

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson