A pictorial journey through Week 3 of UW-LaCrosse’s Clown Camp
A photo history of the UW-LaCrosse’s clown camp, taken back in 1998 (week 3).
Here we are, on the first full day of Clown Camp 1998 First day at breakfast. Spin (Linda Batdorf), clown, staff member, token Canadian 🙂 after her Clown Worship Service Sunday morning Spin, without make up, leading her Clown Alley, the Alley Kazams. Dave Mitchell, doing his Staff on Stage as Mr. Magish – a hilarious clown magic demonstration. Betty Cash, as PeeWee. This year’s ‘clown camp logo’. As part of PeeWee’s Staff on Stage presentation, she reads a letter from home — and a strange home it was! Here we are, looking studious Taught by Brenda Ahern, former Ringling Bros. clown. Doing the chair walk (against Brenda’s recommendation). The chair walk, successfully completed. Brenda Ahern, former Ringling Bros. clown, doing her Staff on Stage presentation of Dr. Seuss’ Circus McGirkus. More with Brenda, and the Circus McGirkus. From Brenda Ahern’s ‘Staff on Stage’ presentation. She used lots of audience presentation, which came off extremely well. The infamous, hilarious, Busy Bee skit as performed by Jim Howle (right), Dave Mitchell (left) and Lee Mullally (not pictured). The audience seats needed seat belts, to prevent us from falling out of them while laughing. Bonnie Donaldson, AKA Squiggles the Clown, doing her Staff on Stage presentation; a good example of an elementary school presentation. On Picture Day, the staff had an open session putting on their own make up, with questions & comments going back & forth. Staff make up demonstration – after. Kenny Ahern doing his Staff on Stage. From Open Mike, the Japanese couple Kota and Tan-Tan, doing a very humorous juggling routine with an unzipped change bag. Dave Mitchell demonstrating ventriloquism. Dave Mitchell (on right), concluding his demonstration of ventriloquism with the help of Lee Mullally (on left), wearing the “Homer” mask. A late-night session on face-painting, kindly held by Cuddles. Jim Howle’s Staff on Stage. ‘Before’ picture in our pie-throwing class at Clown CampYes, we had classes on pies. That’s my lovely wife, Ellen (aka Goofy Grape) helping Kenny demonstrate. Note that Kenny doesn’t actually “throw” the pie as much as he “places” the pie into Ellen’s face. As Kenny says, “Splat, don’t slam.” Pie throwing – part 2. Finale of the pie throwing class. Towards the end — an auction, to raise money for various worthy causes (including scholarships for next year’s Clown Camp). Not blowing his own horn, Kenny Ahern is balancing one, displaying it to the crowd at the auction. Spin models a lovely Harpo-esque wig at the auction. One of many hilarious moments at the auction. Juggles, aka. Lee Mullaly looks stunning in this Carmen Miranda hat, which looks good enough to eat. Dr. Richard Snowberg, foreground, holds a late-night session (this one started at 11:00 PM, I believe) on the Caring Clown, and how to approach that aspect of clowning. Assistant Director, college professor, and a truly great clown, Lee Mullaly, doing his Staff on Stage as Juggles. Juggles, during his staff on stage presentation, doing audience participation with J-Jay, who was himself a somewhat accomplished juggler. Audience participation – Juggles and Spilly. Yes, someone that Juggles can look up to … All good things must come to an end, unfortunately. A final farewell… the stage is empty, the lights dimmed… boy, this is sad… Moving on to happier thoughts: This is the Alley Kazam, the clown alley that I belonged to. They are, from left: Goofy Grape, the Happy Hippi (kneeling, waving), Pixie (red hair), Que Sera, Honey Bun, can’t remember her name!, Bright Eyes, and Succotash. Bright Eyes, an accomplished clown, juggler and street performer, using his devil sticks to relax. A close-up of Erik, AKA Bright Eyes. This is a good example of whiteface clown make up Another clown from Clown Camp 1998, sporting a very well-done auguste clown makeup job. Ellen in Whiteface, for her previous Prudence character. Note Bagels in the background to the left. Ginger Snap & Buzzy, out of makeup, but not out of character; a wonderful couple A new character for Ellen – Goofy Grape, a new auguste that worked her way to the surface. A close-up of the Happi Hippi, now retired from teaching & touring the country, spreading smiles wherever she, her husband & their RV goes. This is a fine example of the Auguste clown make up style. Herbie, one of the more outgoing people at Clown Camp week 3 (says a lot, doesn’t it?) uses his space. Hooligan, one of the funnest & funniest people at Clown Camp week 3. Notice how his glasses work with, and not against, his clown make up.
Updated October 13, 2021