Here’s Lucy season 1 episode guide
Here’s Lucy season 1 episode guide – Lucille Ball stars in a brand-new sitcom, with a different cast and very different setting. She plays the part of widow Lucy Carter, raising her two teenage children. They’re played by her actual children, Lucie and Desi Arnaz Jr. She’s working for her grumpy brother-in-law Harry (the great Gale Gordon), at Carter’s Unique Employment Agency. They specialize in filling unusual needs, which is a flexible setting for lots of different scenarios.
Mod, Mod Lucy

Lucy tries to help her son Craig (Desi Arnaz Jr.) and daughter Kim (Lucie Arnaz). Kim’s lost her voice, and Lucy has to help by singing in their rock band …. For the birthday party of an important client of Harry’s.
Lucy Visits Jack Benny

Lucy and her family vacation at a “private residence” in Palm Springs. And Uncle Harry invites himself along. But they all find out that its Jack Benny‘s mansion! And he charges extra for everything imaginable! With a cameo at the ending by Jackie Gleason.
Lucy, the Process Server

Lucy has to deliver a summons to a woman (Reta Shaw) who’s evaded multiple previous attempts. But she’s confused it with the $1,500 cash she was supposed to deposit at the bank!
Lucy and Miss Shelly Winters

Lucy helps a famous actress (Shelly Winters) with her weight loss. It’s a funny episode, as Shelly hides food in a variety of funny places. It’s an homage to Lost Weekend, only with food instead of alcohol. There’s a lot of prop comedy, ending with Lucy having put on weight! Since the only way to keep Shelly from eating was to eat it first!
Lucy, the Conclusion Jumper
Lucy thinks that her daughter Kim is eloping! Possibly the funniest part is when Gale Gordon and Lucy are in line at the marriage license bureau. He gets in a very Laurel and Hardy-esque fight with another man in line. They even play Laurel and Hardy’s theme music in the background. It’s very reminiscent of their classic Tit for Tat skit.
Lucy’s Impossible Mission

A spoof of Mission Impossible. Lucy becomes involved in a plot to find a list of secret agents on microfilm. After unwittingly intercepting a secret phone call, she’s involved. She has her family brought along so they wouldn’t be worried. So, She, Kim, Craig, and Harry have to impersonate a royal family. The secret agents will steal a man’s shoe at an embassy party. The shoe has the needed microfilm hidden inside. There’s a funny bit where Lucy, disguised as the princess, has to do a native dance at the party. Which, of course, she knows nothing about. Including dancing across hot coals! It’s cute how they play the Mission Impossible theme at certain points.
Lucy and Eva Gabor

Lucy needs to keep the press away from secluded writer Eva Von Gronyitz(Eva Gabor). Who will be staying at her house! Tightwad Harry gets paid $500/week for it. And he “generously” offers to pay Lucy $50! Minus his 10% commission, of course. Ava is turning her “torrid” novel, Valley of the Puppets, into a screenplay. Lucy blabs the secret to her bridge club, then a reporter sneaks in, then she tells her bowling team!
Lucy’s Birthday

On Lucy’s birthday, she oversleeps. She comes into work very late — noontime. Her boss (and brother-in-law) uncharacteristically forgives her …. And gives her the rest of the day off! He even gives her children the suggestion of taking their mother out to eat at a Chinese restaurant. They take Lucy there …. But don’t have the money to pay the bill! Not to worry – it’s Uncle Harry to the rescue!
Lucy Sells Craig to Wayne Newton

Lucy wants Wayne Newton to hire her son Craig as a drummer for his band. Uncle Harry (Gale Gordon) takes the family to Wayne Newton’s show, to celebrate a birthday. Wayne mentions from the stage that he’s been looking for a temporary replacement drummer all week, without success. Lucy, acting like the ultimate stage mother, gets her son Craig (Desi Arnaz Jr.) an audition. And, she keeps interrupting the audition with “advice” to Wayne Newton!
Lucy’s Working Daughter

Uncle Harry gets Kim her first job as a sales assistant. In addition to her base pay, she gets commissions for every piece of clothing she sells. After unintentionally hurting Kim’s self-confidence with her advice, Lucy has a plan. Lucy figures “the more I buy, the more I save!”. So that Kim will get a commission, of course. As the old joke goes, you can go broke saving money …
Guess Who Owes Lucy $23.50

Lucy tries to hire Van Johnson to sing “Happy Birthday” … to a cow! A Van Johnson look-alike plays a trick on Lucy and she gives him $23.50 to “fix his car”. So when Lucy goes to get it back, Van doesn’t recognise her and calls for his security guards to escort her back to her car. But when he realizes that a look-alike of his really took the money from her, he feels bad and heads to Texas to sing happy birthday to a cow for Cater’s Unique Employment Agency.
Lucy, the Matchmaker

After a home-cooked meal, Lucy’s bachelor brother-in-law Harry is melancholy about still being single. So Lucy tries to use a computer dating service to find his perfect match! It’s Lucy’s old friend, Viv?
Lucy and the Gold Rush

Kim and Craig bring home rock samples from a field trip. Lucy takes one of them, fool’s gold, to work as a paperweight. But when someone tells Harry that its real gold, he decides to crack it open and see. This leads to a hilarious silent routine, as he tries to break a piece off! All he needs now is to know is where the gold mine is …
Lucy the Fixer

Lucy the Fixer is a hilarious episode! It’s really an excuse for a slowly growing cascade of chaos. It begins with Kim in her high school cheerleader outfit, and Craig is in his football outfit. He’s on the third string squad. Lucy’s planning on attending their game — But Harry calls her to his house to work on a Saturday! Once she arrives, the chaos begins …
Lucy and the Ex-Con

Soft-hearted Lucy gets an ex-con (Wally Cox) a job as a security guard. But his new place of employment is robbed on his first night there! And Lucy’s blamed, since she hid his criminal background from them.
So, the two of them go undercover at the real criminal’s hideout — in drag! A very funny episode, especially when Wally (in drag) keeps trying to chase after the sexy waitress, blowing their cover!
Lucy Goes on Strike
Is Harry is plotting to kill Lucy after she goes on strike? Lucy revolts against Harry’s unjust ways … With the help of her good friend Mary Wickes, she goes on strike. Harrison Carter is a FINK!
Lucy and Carol Burnett
Lucy and Harry agree to be part of Kim and Craig’s high school play. Can Lucy get Carol Burnett to do a benefit show at the kids’ school?
Lucy and the Great Airport Chase
Enemy agents are after a secret formula. So, they chase Lucy through an airport! Sending Lucy and Harry on a wild adventure through the airport.
A Date for Lucy

Kim and Craig find Lucy the perfect date for the grand ball. He’s hansom, tall, charming … and a jewel thief! Cesar Romero guest stars.
Lucy, the Shopping Expert
Momma Lucy teaches Kim about grocery shopping. When Lucy teaches her daughter the finer points of shopping, she gets into strife with the supermarket. She nearly gets Craig fired from his job there. But they find three special explosive cans of whipped cream, and each can wins then $100!
Lucy Gets Her Man
Lucy goes undercover as a secretary to spy on a greeting card composer. But it turns out to be a mistake.
Lucy’s Safari
Harry and Lucy need to recapture an escaped wild animal. The Carters hire Howard Keel to help them search for the “gorboona” (a rare combination between a gorilla and a baboon). Lucy ends up being hit in the posterior by a tranquillizing gun! Then Kim and Craig end up dressing as colorful dancers to attract the gorboona … And Harry winds up doing a surprisingly successful rain dance!
Lucy and Tennessee Ernie’s Fun Farm
Tennessee Ernie Ford turns to Carter’s Unique Employment Agency for help on ways to make more money on his slowly-dying farm. The Carters decide to turn Ernie’s farm into an amusement farm park to make more money. Then they devise a TV commercial for the farm. Many funny sketches arise from the ad! “Y’all Come!”
Lucy Helps Craig Get a Driver’s License
It’s Craig’s 16th birthday and he wakes up his family at 6am to be ready to take him for his driver’s license test. Lucy insists on being there right by his side the whole way. This a fair amount of comedy, and a embarrassment for Craig. But Craig does get his license, as Jack Gilford (his “tester”) comments “If you can drive so well under these conditions, you can drive ANYWHERE!” But finding that her own driver’s license is expired, …