Lucy, the Conclusion Jumper

Lucy intervenes but Harry gets conked on the head in "Lucy the Conclusion Jumper"
Lucy intervenes but Harry gets conked on the head

Lucy, the Conclusion JumperHere’s Lucy season 1

In Lucy, the Conclusion Jumper, Lucy thinks that her daughter Kim is eloping! Possibly the funniest part is when Gale Gordon and Lucy are in line at the marriage license bureau. He gets in a very Laurel and Hardy-esque fight with another man in line. They even play Laurel and Hardy’s theme music in the background. It’s very reminiscent of their classic Tit for Tat skit.

As normal, Kim asks Lucy some questions — and Lucy wrongly pins them together, to jump to the wrong conclusion:

  • Kim Carter: [to Lucy] Twenty nine dollars and forty cents just for groceries?
  • Kim Carter: [to Lucy] Mom, about what does a phone bill run every month? 

Kim’s simply doing research for a high school class, trying to put together a simple budget. But Lucy combines those questions with Kim’s new boyfriend:

Kim Carter: [to Lucy] I’m glad you feel that way about him Mom. He likes you too, 

And in Lucy’s mind, 1+1=Kim’s eloping! Especially when Kim’s going to the marriage license bureau at City Hall. Again, gathering information for her project. But the title’s Lucy, the Conclusion Jumper for a reason. So, Lucy’s determined to stop the “wedding” of “her baby”. And she drags her brother-in-law along to help her stop the “elopement”. This leads to an absolutely hilarious moment.

Lucy keeps jumping out of line, and poor Harry gets into a fight with another man in the line. It’s absolutely hilarious, a shout-out to Laurel and Hardy’s style of slapstick. There’s a nasty man in line, and he and Harry start. fight. It starts small, and grows — comically, and hilariously.

Eventually, they seen Kim and her boyfriend Don, and at home the misunderstanding gets straightened out, ending the episode.

Cast of characters


  • Jack Bannon was the son of Bea Benadaret, who was on Lucille Ball’s radio show “My Favorite Husband” and elderly neighbor Miss Lewis on “I Love Lucy.” 
  • When a phone call tells Harry that he deals in antique carriages, Harry says “You mean surreys with the fringe on top”? Referring to the song from “Oklahoma!“, “The Surrey with the Fringe on Top.”
  • Although he plays a high school student who is Kim’s age, actor Don Crichton was 34 years old during this episode and looks significantly older than Kim. 
About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson